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Bach Variants - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Bach Variants
Article no. 9084171
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Curnow Music Press
Publisher's article no. * CMP 0419-00-010
Delivery publisher * Hal Leonard Europe
Series title Passport Series
EAN (GTIN) * 9790035040539
ISMN * 979-0-03504053-9
ISMN-10 * M-03504053-9
Year of publication 2000
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Composer Curnow, James
Difficulty level 2
Evaluation level of countries D2 (German lower level)
Duration 4:10
Additional info/contents A wonderful teaching piece and the ideal young band festival work, BACH VARIANTS (six melodic variations on the Bach chorale AWAKE MY HEART AND SING) should be a staple of every young band library. Chorale style playing does so much for the young band's intonation, tone quality and phrasing. Including this one in your next festival program is certain to reap great rewards by honing your group's ability to make quality sound. Even bands which normally play music of higher grade levels will find a valuable experience in James Curnow's BACH VARIANTS. Be sure to add this one to your repertoire.
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The composition "Bach Variants" by James Curnow is an impressive musical interpretation of the well-known Bach chorale "Awake my Heart and Sing". This composition consists of six melodic variations that skilfully take up and expand the rich harmony and emotional potential of the original chorale.

The first movement of the suite presents the well-known chorale in its original form, with the characteristic melodic lines and harmonies clearly recognisable. James Curnow makes the chorale sound gentle and sensitive, laying the foundation for the variations that follow.

In the variations that follow, Curnow's musical imagination unfolds to its fullest extent. Each variation presents a unique interpretation of the Bach chorale, utilising different styles, rhythms and harmonies to give the piece a dynamic and eclectic atmosphere.

The variations range from lively and rhythmic passages to quiet and contemplative sections, developing each element of the chorale in creative ways. Curnow demonstrates his ability to play with musical motifs and alter them in different ways to create a wide range of emotions and moods.

Through the use of variations, listeners are taken on a fascinating musical journey that leads them through different soundscapes and emotional worlds. Despite the diversity of the variations, the deep spiritual core of the Bach chorale remains intact, permeating the entire suite and creating a unity of musical expression.

"Bach Variants" by James Curnow is not only a tribute to the great composer Johann Sebastian Bach, but also a creative re-creation of his musical legacy. This composition impressively demonstrates the timeless beauty and inexhaustible artistic significance of Bach's music and allows listeners to gain a new appreciation for these classical masterpieces.

Quelle/Source: (KI)#

Curnow Music Press
Bach Variants - click here Bach Variants (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Bach Variants - click here Bach Variants (concert/wind band), full score
Composer's Portrait: James Curnow #1 - click here Composer's Portrait: James Curnow #1, audio CD

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