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Capriccio on Three Japanese Children Songs - click for larger image
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Capriccio on Three Japanese Children Songs - Sample sheet music
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Title Capriccio on Three Japanese Children Songs
Article no. 4108048
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Japan (jp)
Publisher * Brain Music
Publisher's article no. * COMS 85054
Delivery publisher * Bravo Music
Composer Goto, Yo
Difficulty level 2
Evaluation level of countries D2 (German lower level)
Duration 7:00
Additional info/contents The first movement of this suite, Zui Zui, based upon a Japanese traditional song, was commissioned by the Florida Bandmasters Association and completed in 2008. Later, Kagome Kagome and Ocharaka were added to form a suite of Japanese children's folk songs. Despite the contrasting tone colors, frequent use of semitones, and numerous musical expressions in canonic form, this suite is written for younger players

The ranges are limited to about an octave, no snare drum rolls to focus on "fun" for grade school and beginning secondary bands. It doesn't require large instrumentation and can be adjusted for use by various sizes of bands.

1. Zui Zui
2. Kagome Kagome
3. Ocharaka


Flt (div.)
Clr (div.)

Trp in Bb (div.)
Hrn (div.)
Trb (div.)

Perc 1,2,3,4,(5):
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The suite "Capriccio on Three Japanese Children Songs" is a fascinating musical representation of Japanese folk songs, composed by the talented Japanese composer Yo Goto especially for wind orchestra. This suite consists of three movements, each based on a traditional Japanese children's song and creatively adapted to wind band form.

The first movement of the suite, "Zui Zui", is inspired by a well-known Japanese folk song of the same name. In this lively and spirited movement, Goto captures the cheerful and playful atmosphere of the original song. The pulsating rhythms and sonorous melody give listeners an insight into the traditional music of Japan and invite them to immerse themselves in the country's vibrant culture.

The second movement, "Kagome Kagome", takes up another popular children's song and interprets it in an innovative way for the wind orchestra. Here, Goto skilfully combines traditional Japanese elements with modern arrangements to create an immersive and stirring musical experience. The captivating melody and rich orchestration take the listener on an emotional journey through Japanese folklore.

The third movement, "Ocharaka", concludes the suite with a joyful and upbeat finale. Based on another well-known children's song, this movement captures the energy and joie de vivre of Japanese culture and spreads an atmosphere of cheerfulness and celebration. The rousing rhythms and melodic phrases invite the listener to let themselves be carried away by the music and immerse themselves in the lively world of Japanese children's songs.

Overall, the suite "Capriccio on Three Japanese Children Songs" by Yo Goto is a remarkable work that captures the beauty and diversity of Japanese folk music in an impressive way. With its imaginative instrumentation and sensitive interpretation of traditional songs, this suite not only provides a musical experience but also an insight into Japan's rich cultural heritage.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

Bravo Music
Capriccio on Three Japanese Children Songs - click here Capriccio on Three Japanese Children Songs (concert/wind band), full score and parts

Capriccio on Three Japanese Children Songs - click here Capriccio on Three Japanese Children Songs (concert/wind band), full score

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