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Atra Femina (Die Schwarze Frau zu Staatz) - click for larger image
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Atra Femina (Die Schwarze Frau zu Staatz) - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Atra Femina (Die Schwarze Frau zu Staatz)
Article no. 4059467
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Austria (at)
Publisher * Daniel Muck Eigenverlag
Composer Muck, Daniel
Difficulty level 3
Evaluation level of countries A3 (Austrian C level); D3 (German medium level)
Duration 13:00
Additional info/contents The legend of the Black Lady of Staatz centres around the picturesque town of Staatz in Lower Austria and tells of a mysterious apparition that haunts Staatz Castle.
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Sample score * Sample score click here
Video sample *
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Programme notes *: additional text

According to legend, the Black Lady was a noblewoman who lived in Staatz Castle. Her life was characterised by a tragic fate and it is said that she died in unfortunate circumstances. Her death is said to have been surrounded by love, betrayal or another painful story that did not allow her soul to rest.

Legend has it that the Black Lady lives on as a ghost and haunts Staatz Castle. It is said that she appears in the darkness of the night, often clad in a long, black robe. Sometimes she is also said to be seen with a sad expression on her face or crying. The inhabitants of Staatz and the surrounding area tell stories of encounters with the Black Lady, who is said to walk the corridors of the castle or linger in the rooms.

The legend of the Black Lady of Staatz adds a mysterious and fascinating flavour to the town. The idea of ghosts and supernatural apparitions has a firm place in many cultures, and this legend lends Staatz a mysterious aura. Such legends are often used as explanations for inexplicable phenomena or as a means of passing on moral concepts and historical events.

Regardless of whether the Black Woman actually exists or merely lives on as a folklore figure, the legend remains an integral part of the local culture and history of Staatz. It contributes to fuelling people's imagination, keeping the past alive and giving the town a unique identity. In this way, the Black Lady of Staatz not only becomes the protagonist of a supernatural legend, but also a cultural heritage that passes on the stories and emotions of times gone by.

Quelle/Source: (KI)


Spirits and supernatural powers

Fairy tales, legends, stories

Underworld and hellfire

* Fields with a star are only visible for club members after registration.

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