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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores

Your search criteria: Database Sheet music/scores, Title Poet and Peasant, search type all words present

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Title Composer / Author Arranger / Editor Level Duration Article no.
Dichter und Bauer (Poet and Peasant) Ha, PrtStm Suppé, Franz von Stevenson, Alfred R. 5 8:15 additional textimage 4046126
Dichter und Bauer (Poet and Peasant) Ha, PrtStm Suppé, Franz von Ratzek, Walter 6 additional textimage 4111595
Dichter und Bauer (Poet and Peasant) Ha; CB, PrtStm Suppé, Franz von Niese, Roger 4 10:30 additional textscore sampleimage 4057322
Dichter und Bauer (Poet and Peasant): Overture (1846) 2d1,2,2,2--4,2,3,1,Tmp,perc,hp,str Suppé, Franz von 3020009
Dichter und Bauer: Overture (Poet and Peasant) (1846/2002) 2d1,2,2,2--4,2,3,1,Tmp,perc,str Suppé, Franz von McAlister, Clark 3020010
Dichter und Bauer: Overture (Poet and Peasant) (study score) Orch Suppé, Franz von 3017062
Dichter und Bauer: Overture [transcription] Poet and Peasant Overture (1846) 1d1,1,2,1--2,2,1,0,perc,str Suppé, Franz von Tobani, Theodore Moses 3020011
Light Cavalry (from 'Poet and Peasant') Ha; CB Suppé, Franz von Lake, Mayhew Lester additional textimage 4070707
Poet and Peasant 4Sax Suppé, Franz von Holmes 5 score sample 3055711
Poet and Peasant Fa, PrtStm Suppé, Franz von Ots, Pascal 4+ 9:30 additional textsheet music samplescore sampleimagesound sample 4109238
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