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Your search criteria: Database Sheet music/scores, Title 3 PRELUDES, search type all words present

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Title Composer / Author Arranger / Editor Level Duration Article no.
6 dreistimmige Präludien und Fugen #1-3 - Six Three-Part Preludes and Fugues KV 404a Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus David, Johann Nepomuk (ed.) 3181822
6 Preludes Op.83 für Gitarre solo Git Giuliani, Mauro 3161899
6 préludes op. 99 (1953/55) Pno Burkhard, Willy 9977952
7 Chorale Preludes Fk 38/1 #2 'Christe, der Du bist Tag und Nacht' 4Blfl, download Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann 3 download 3141372
7 Chorale Preludes Fk 38/1 #5 'Wir danken Dir, Herr Jesu' 4Blfl, download Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann 3 download 3140128
7 Chorale Preludes Fk 38/1 #6 'Was mein Gott will' 4Blfl, download Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann 3 download 3140127
8 Preludes and Allemanda from «L'Art de toucher le Clavecin» for Harpsichord Cemb; Org, Bk Couperin, François Alcalay, Vera score sampleimage 4050229
8 Preludes from Paolo Benedetto Bellinzani's «Sonate a Flauto solo» FBlfl, Bk Pacchioni, Giorgio additional textscore sampleimage 4051260
9 Preludes (Studies) in melodic progression from Francesco Mancini's «XII Solos» for Treble Recorder FBlfl;, Bk Pacchioni, Giorgio additional textscore sampleimage 4051259
CD inclus dans '12 Préludes' op. 1 Pno DAMIANI S. CD 3035899
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