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Your search criteria: Database Sheet music/scores, Title Quartett in g, search type all words present

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Title Composer / Author Arranger / Editor Level Duration Article no.
The Gondoliers; Act I, Quartette & Finale: Now, Marco dear, my wishes hear; Then away we go (1889) Opera/Excerpts Sullivan, Arthur 3024513
The Gondoliers; Act I, Solo & Quartette: I stole the Prince (No possible doubt whatever) (1889) Opera/Excerpts Sullivan, Arthur 3024521
The Gondoliers; Act II, Quartette: In a comtemplative fashion (1889) Opera/Excerpts Sullivan, Arthur 3024529
The Yeoman of the Guard; Act II, Quartette: When a wooer goes a-wooing (1888) Opera/Excerpts Sullivan, Arthur 3024700
Tre quartetti per flauto, clarinetto, corno e fago Bläserquartette, Stimmen Gambaro, G. B. Balassa György 98076488
Tre quartetti per flauto, clarinetto, coro e fagot Bläserquartette, Stimmen Gambaro, G. B. Balassa György 98076490
Tre quartetti per flauto, clarinetto, coro e fagot Bläserquartette, Stimmen Gambaro, G. B. Balassa György 98076489
Universalheft für Quartette und Quintette Gruppe A Flexi, 1.C; Flt Diverse Heinl, Otto image 9308510
Winter's Edge / Streichquartett #1 (1992), Partitur 4Str Wilson, Ian 14:00 10045332
Winter's Edge / Streichquartett #1 (1992), Stimmensatz 4Str Wilson, Ian 14:00 10045330
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