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Your search criteria: Database Books about music, Kategorie Specialised Literature, Additional info/contents Cari, search type all words present

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Title Author / Composer Editor Article no.
Bürger als Edelmann, Der, Bk Hofmannsthal, Hugo von / Strauss, Richard 97000061
Die beiden Foscari oder Der Doge von Venedig. Oper Verdi 97876817
Guides to Band Masterworks #1, Bk Garofalo, Robert image 97000324
Guides to Band Masterworks #2, Bk Garofalo, Robert image 97000325
Guides to Band Masterworks #3, Bk Kish, David imageVideo 97000322
Guides to Band Masterworks #4, Bk Kish, David imageVideo 97000309
Guides to Band Masterworks #5, Bk Kish, David imageVideo 97000312
Guides to Band Masterworks #6, Bk Kish, David image 97000311
IGEB - Kongressbericht 1996 Mainz, Deutschland Mitchell, Jon C.; et al. Brixel, Eugen image 97883573
Percussion Assignments for Band and Wind Ensemble #1 (Composers A-K), Bk Girsberger, Russ imageVideo 97874709
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