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Advent for Choirs - click for larger image
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Title Advent for Choirs
Article no. 9991722
Category Choir/Vocals
Subcategory Advent
Instrumentation CoroX (mixed chorus); Acc (accompaniment)
Instrumentation/info Key (keyboard instrument)
Format ChoPrt (chorus score); SngBk (song book); Spiral-bound
Country of publication United Kingdom (uk)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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Composer Ledger, Philip; u.a.
Arranger Vaughan Williams, Ralph; Rutter, John; u.a.
Editor Archer, Malcolm; Cleobury, Stephen
Additional info/contents This unique collection approaches Advent afresh, drawing together 52 beautiful and accessible pieces that span the whole gamut of periods, styles, and traditions. Advent for Choirs is the perfect musical and liturgical resource for all church, cathedral, and concert choirs and includes approachable new settings, unjustly neglected music, and works not easily available elsewhere.

Adam lay ybounden, Philip Ledger
Advent Antiphons (English), Cleobury
Advent Antiphons (Latin), Berry
Advent Prose (English), Cleobury
Advent Prose (Latin), Cleobury
Advent Wreath Prayers, Archer
Alma redemptoris mater (Medieval English), Anon
The Angel Gabriel, Archer
Angelus ad Virginem, Carter
A tender shoot, Goldschmidt
Ave Maria, Archer
Benedictus in C, Stanford
Bogoroditsye Dyevo, Pärt
Canite tuba, Guerrero ed. Morris
The Cherry Tree Carol, Cleobury
Come, thou Redeemer of the earth, Cleobury
Creator of the stars of night, Archer
Drop down, ye heavens, Lloyd
Ecce concipies, Handl ed. Morris
E'en So Lord Jesus, Quickly Come, Manz
Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen, Cashmore and Praetorius
Fuit homo missus a Deo, Palestrina ed. Morris
How beautiful upon the mountains, Stainer
How lovely are the messengers, Mendelssohn ed. Archer
I look from afar, Jackson
I sing of a maiden, L. Berkeley
Jacob's Ladder, Darlington
Jesus Christ the Apple Tree, Poston
Let all mortal flesh keep silence, Cleobury
The Linden Tree Carol, Archer
Long ago, prophets knew, Archer
Magnificat in B flat, Moore
Man, assay, ed. Cleobury
Matin Responsory, Palestrina ed. Cleobury
Matin Responsory, Jackson
Never weather-beaten sail, Shephard
Nova! nova!, Chilcott
O come, O come Immanuel, arr. Rutter
On Jordan's bank, arr. Archer
O thou, the central orb, Wood
People look East, arr. Ferguson
Prayer for the Blessing of Light, Archer
Rejoice in the Lord alway, ed. Le Huray
Remember, O thou man, Ravenscroft
The Angel Gabriel, arr. Archer
The Cherry Tree Carol, arr. Cleobury
The Linden Tree Carol, Archer
There is a flow'r sprung of a tree, Vann
There is no rose, Near
This is the record of John, G. Ives
This is the truth sent from above, arr. Vaughan Williams
Tomorrow go ye forth, Jackson
Veiled in darkness, Rudolph
Vesper Responsory, Palestrina arr. Ledger
Vesper Responsory, Jackson
Virga Jesse floruit, Bruckner ed. Rutter
Wachet auf!, Bach arr. Nicolai
Wie soll ich dich empfangen, Bach ed. Archer
Zion, at thy shining gates, arr. Guest
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Available yes yes
Advent for Choirs - click here Advent for Choirs (mixed chorus; accompaniment), chorus score; song book; Spiral-bound
Advent for Choirs - click here Advent for Choirs (mixed chorus; accompaniment), chorus score; song book; Paperback

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