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Kinizsi March - click for larger image
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Title Kinizsi March  out of print 
Article no. 98038685
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert march
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Country of publication Germany (de)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2000
Composer Fucik, Julius
Arranger Sekulka, Vaclav
Difficulty level 2+
Duration 3:20
Additional info/contents Hungarian Concert March
Kinizsi might seem less a 'march' because of its serious character and the fact that it is composed in a minor key. This piece opens, however, in the spirit of a march with grandiose chords and various sections of the band playing in unison. It is, therefore, very appropriate as a concert opener or the final number.

Ungarischer Concert-March
Kinizsi is misschien wel door zijn mineur toonaard en statigheid wat minder geschikt als zgn. loopmars. Dit heeft veel meer het karakter van een openingsmars van bv. een concert met grote akkoorden en in de techniek veel unisono. Zoals gezegd zeer geschikt als opening of als afsluiting van een concert.
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