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Band Nerds: Poetry from the 13th Chair Trombone Player - click for larger image
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Title Band Nerds: Poetry from the 13th Chair Trombone Player
Article no. 97883468
Subcategory Humour
Format BkHrd (hardcover)
Text language English {en}
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
ISBN * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
ISBN-10 * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2006
Author Corchin, DJ; Dougherty, Dan
Additional info/contents Egal woher Sie kommen, wenn Sie einmal in einer Schulkapelle waren, kennen Sie jemanden aus diesem Buch. Diese Geschichten berühren uns alle in einer persönlichen Art und Weise und erlauben uns zu lachen über uns wegen der lustigen Dinge, die uns unterscheiden, indem es zeigt, wie wir uns gleichen. Wir hatten alle Sorgen über unsere Musikprüfungen, waren schockiert über die Klarinette die quietschte, öffnete unsere stinkenden Hornkoffern, und mussten zur Toilette gehen nachdem wir uns die Uniform anzogen. Band Nerds: Poetry From the 13th Chair Trombone Player ist die ultimative Sammlung der Unterlegenen. Mit DJ Corchins geistreichem Witz und gutem Stil werden diese Geschichten sofort einen zeitlosen Klassiker.
Als diese Gedichten gelesen habe war ich sofort zu meinen Tagen der Posaunen-Unterricht in der Schule zurück versetzt. Ob diese Erinnerungen angenehm oder lästig waren, hatten sie mir immer ein Lächeln auf meinen Lippen gezaubert.

No matter where you're from, if you've been in band you know someone from this book. These stories touch us all in a personal way allowing ourselves to laugh at the funny things that make us different, by showing how we're the same. We've all worried about our scale tests, been shocked at the clarinet who squeaked, opened up our smelly school horns, and had to go to the bathroom once we put on our uniform. Band Nerds: Poetry From the 13th Chair Trombone Player is the ultimate underdog's collection. Combined with DJ Corchin's witty humor and feel good style, these stories make an instant timeless classic.
Reading these poems, most of them in Dr. Seuss meter, I was instantly transported back to my own days of trombone lessons at school. Whether these memories were pleasant or awkward, they always brought a wry smile to my lips.

132 pages
External link * external linkFields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Available yes yes

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