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Music, Artistry and Education (A Journey Towards Musical Growth and Enlightenment) - click for larger image
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Title Music, Artistry and Education (A Journey Towards Musical Growth and Enlightenment)
Article no. 97000096
Subcategory Music science
Format Bk (book)
Text language English {en}
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Delivery publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2015
Author Allen, Milton
Additional info/contents Dr. Milton Allen takes you on a careening voyage that charts a path from being a good musician/educator to becoming an artist musician/educator. Based on personal experiences ranging from the hilarious to the life changing, this collection of Zen-like stories–followed by concrete suggestions–will guide you along an artistic journey of musical growth and enlightenment. It contains practical, theoretical and philosophical information explained through simple parables–those little gems that carry with them an essential lesson. Running through the woods? Building a program? Riding in an old Isuzu Trooper? Selecting repertoire? Climbing a sand dune? Constructing a rehearsal? Lessons from these experiences are all part of this insightful and fascinating collection.
Available yes yes

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