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The Guitar Amp Handbook - click for larger image
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Title The Guitar Amp Handbook
Article no. 97000088
Subcategory Various other reference books
Format BkSft (softcover)
Text language English {en}
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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Year of publication 2015
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Author Hunter, Dave
Editor Backbeat Books
Additional info/contents Understanding Tube Amplifiers and Getting Great Sounds.

The Guitar Amp Handbook: Understanding Tube Amplifiers and Getting Great Sounds, Updated Edition brings fresh information to the table to help guitarists understand everything about what makes their amps tick and how to use them to sound better than ever. It builds on the popular original edition of the book, first published in 2005.

Central to the book's success is the way it walks musicians through the significance of each crucial circuit stage and component of a great number of classic and modern tube amp designs, helping guitarists get the most from the amps they already own or choose new amps that are best suited to their needs.
(296 pages)

The Guitar Amp Handbook reveals many of the tips and tricks used by today's top designers and builders, and it debunks the hype used by the marketing departments at large manufacturers keen on selling specific amps that might not be right for particular players. The book is designed to help guitarists understand what really goes on inside tube amps and where the tone comes from. This new updated and expanded edition adds further knowledge to the foundation, ensuring it continues as the most thorough and authoritative publication on the subject to be found anywhere.
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