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Symphonie Iberique - click for larger image
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Symphonie Iberique - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Symphonie Iberique
Article no. 9630740
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Original contemporary music (20th, 21st century)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Netherlands (nl)
Publisher * Molenaar Edition
Publisher's article no. * MOL 012055080
Series title Original Compositions Series
Year of publication 1991
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Lancen, Serge
Difficulty level 6
Evaluation level of countries C4 (Swiss 1st class); D4 (German upper level)
Duration 14:42
Additional info/contents The Symphonie Ibérique (Iberian Symphony) was composed in 1989. As the title suggests, Lancen evokes Spanish moods in this symphony in three parts. His original melodic structure is combined with typical ornamentation in his own nuanced way. The quiet, solemn first part is so colorful that one immediately recognizes Lancen's style. The slow, atmospheric second part has a magnificent dialogue between English horn and bassoon. In the third part, Lancen uses various Spanish dance rhythms in an exuberant manner.


Clr-Solo + 1,2,3
ASax 1,2

Trp 1,2,3
Hrn in Eb+F 1,2,3
Trb in C 1,2,3 (BC)
Trb in Bb 1,2,3 (BC+TC)
Brt in C (BC)
Brt in Bb (BC+TC)
Tub 1,2 (BC)
EsTub (BC+TC)
BTub (BC+TC)

No. Track title Sound sample
1 Symphonie Iberique - I. Andante - Moderato - Allegro Viva  
2 Symphonie Iberique - II. Lento - Andante
3 Symphonie Iberique - III. Andante - Allegro - Vivace
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Programme notes *: additional text

SThe Iberian folk music and the composition "Symphonie Iberique" by Serge Lancen

The Iberian Peninsula, consisting of Spain and Portugal, has a rich and diverse tradition of folk music, which is strongly influenced by the historical, cultural and geographical characteristics of the region. This music is characterized by its lively rhythms, melodic richness and a variety of instruments that reflect the cultural diversity of the Iberian Peninsula.

Spanish folk music:
- Flamenco: Probably the best-known musical style in Spain, originating from Andalusia. Flamenco is a passionate musical form that includes singing (cante), guitar playing (toque) and dancing (baile). It is characterized by its complex rhythms and emotional expression.
- Jota: A traditional dance and musical style that is widespread in various regions of Spain such as Aragon, Castile and Valencia. The jota is often accompanied by guitars, castanets and tambourines.
Sardana: A traditional dance from Catalonia performed by a cobla, a special brass band. The dancers form a circle and perform choreographed steps.
- Música de Gaita: Bagpipe music is very popular in Galicia and Asturias. The gaita gallega (Galician bagpipe) is a typical instrument of this region.

Portuguese folk music:
- Fado: A melancholic form of music often described as the soul of Portugal. Fado is mainly sung in Lisbon and Coimbra and is accompanied by the Portuguese guitar. The lyrics are about longing, love and destiny.
- Rancho Folclórico: Traditional dances and music often performed at village festivals and celebrations. Instruments such as accordion, guitar and various wind instruments are typical.
- Cante Alentejano: A polyphonic singing style from the Alentejo region performed without instrumental accompaniment. The singing is strongly rhythmic and melodic in structure.

The composition "Symphonie Iberique" by Serge Lancen
Serge Lancen, a French composer, created the "Symphonie Iberique" for wind orchestra to honor the lively and diverse musical tradition of the Iberian Peninsula. This suite consists of three movements and reflects the musical diversity and richness of Iberian folk music.

First movement: Andante - Moderato - Allegro Viva
The first movement begins with a slow Andante, which creates a calm and peaceful atmosphere. The subsequent Moderato introduces a dance element that is typical of many Iberian folk dances. Finally, the movement climaxes with an Allegro Viva, which reflects the liveliness and energy of Spanish and Portuguese musical styles. Typical rhythms and melodic figures are reminiscent of flamenco and other spirited dance forms of the region.

Second Movement: Lento - Andante
The second movement, Lento - Andante, is characterized by a more quiet and introspective character. These passages might be reminiscent of the melancholic sounds of Fado, with deep, emotional melodies and slow, yearning rhythms. The movement gradually develops into an Andante, creating a gentle flow and a warm, soulful mood.

Third Movement: Andante - Allegro - Vivace
The final movement begins again with an Andante, which serves as an introduction to the livelier sections. The Allegro that follows brings dynamic and energetic rhythms reminiscent of the joyful and festive dances of Iberian folk music. The Vivace section closes the suite with an exuberant and fast tempo that challenges the virtuosity and enthusiasm of the wind musicians and celebrates the joy and passion of Iberian music.

Serge Lancen's "Symphonie Iberique" is a work that captures the essence of Iberian folk music and translates it into the form of a modern wind orchestra piece. Lancen uses the distinctive rhythms, melodies and instrumentation of Spanish and Portuguese music to create a suite that is both tradition-conscious and innovative. Through the suite's three movements, Lancen takes the audience through a musical journey that celebrates the diversity and depth of Iberian folk music. The music is rich in emotional and rhythmic contrasts that reflect the different facets of Iberian culture.

Iberian folk music is a vibrant and diverse tradition deeply rooted in the cultures of Spain and Portugal. Serge Lancen's "Symphonie Iberique" for wind orchestra is a tribute to this rich musical heritage. The suite captures the essence and spirit of Iberian folk music and expresses it in a modern, orchestral form. Lancen's work shows how traditional musical forms can be reinterpreted and appreciated in contemporary compositions.

Quelle/Source: (KI)
Symphonie Iberique - click here Symphonie Iberique (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Symphonie Iberique - click here Symphonie Iberique (concert/wind band), full score
Masterpieces for Band  #4 - click here Masterpieces for Band #4, audio CD

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