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Partita piccola (In Oude Stijl) - click for larger image
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Partita piccola (In Oude Stijl) - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Partita piccola (In Oude Stijl)
Article no. 9551830
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Suite
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format DirStm (Condensed Score and parts)
Country of publication Netherlands (nl)
Publisher * Molenaar Edition
Publisher's article no. * MOL 010040050
Series title Original Compositions Series
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Boedijn, Gerard
Opus no. op.118
Difficulty level 1
Evaluation level of countries D2 (German lower level); C1 (Swiss 4th class)
Additional info/contents The "Partita piccola (In Oude Stijl)" by Gerard Boedijn presents an impressive synthesis of traditional stylistic elements and contemporary expression. The musical journey through the various movements offers listeners a rich experience, ranging from festive celebrations to introspective moments. Boedijn's masterful compositional technique and his ability to interpret historical styles in a fresh and lively way make this Partita an appealing work for wind orchestra.

I. Praeludium
II. Menuetto
III. Pavane
IV. Rigaudon


Clr-Solo + 1,2,3

Cnt 1,2
Flh 1,2,3
Trp 1,2
Tnh 1,2,3
Hrn in F 1,2,3,4
Trb in C 1,2,3
Brt in C
Tub in C

-Hrn in Eb 1,2,3,4
-Trb in Bb 1,2,3 (BC+TC)
-Brt in Bb (BC+TC)
-EsTub (BC+TC)
-BTub (BC+TC)

Schlgz 1,2
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Available yes yes
Programme notes *: additional text

The composition "Partita piccola (In Oude Stijl)" for wind orchestra by Gerard Boedijn is a fascinating musical work that skilfully reinterprets the elements of the old styles and presents them in a contemporary context. This partita consists of four movements, each with its own unique character:

I. Praeludium: the "Praeludium" opens the partita with a festive overture. The majestic sounds and concise rhythmic structure create a powerful introduction to the work. Boedijn succeeds in immediately capturing the listener's attention and creating an atmosphere reminiscent of Baroque splendour. The movement displays a masterful use of harmonies and motivic development.

II Menuetto: The second movement introduces the listener to a graceful dance. The characteristic triple metre of the minuet is presented with elegance, with Boedijn introducing subtle melodic variations. The cheerful mood of this movement gives the partita a versatile tonal palette and illustrates the composer's ability to skilfully combine different styles.

III Pavane: The third movement brings a change of mood and presents a slow, dignified dance form. The melodic lines unfold with a certain grandeur, while the harmonic design creates an introspective atmosphere. Boedijn demonstrates his sensitivity to tonal nuances here and creates a moving contrast to the previous movements.

IV. Rigaudon: The partita reaches a lively conclusion with the "Rigaudon". This final movement is characterised by an infectious energy, which is achieved through rhythmic finesse and clear structures. The "Rigaudon" is a rousing dance that ends the partita on a lively and festive note.

Quelle/Source: (KI)
Partita piccola (In Oude Stijl) - click here Partita piccola (In Oude Stijl) (concert/wind band), Condensed Score and parts
Partita piccola (In Oude Stijl) - click here Partita piccola (In Oude Stijl) (concert/wind band), condensed score

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