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Eagle Ridge Overture - click for larger image
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Eagle Ridge Overture - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Eagle Ridge Overture
Article no. 9490600
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Overture (original composition)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band); YB (young band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Niel A Kjos Music Company
Publisher's article no. * WB 526
EAN (GTIN) * 0084027052495
UPC * 084027052495
Year of publication 2022
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Pearson, Bruce
Difficulty level 1+
Evaluation level of countries D1 (German entry level)
Duration 2:55
Additional info/contents Eagle Ridge Overture depicts the behavior of eagles from breathtaking dives to soaring in the thermals. Written in a three-part form, the opening section is a majestic 4/4 theme featuring quarter-eighth-eighth rhythms. The lyrical middle section is in 3/4 featuring dotted quarter and eighth note rhythms. All sections of the band have the melody. An optional piano part is provided to enhance ensembles with limited instrumentation.
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The "Eagle Ridge Overture" by Bruce Pearson is an inspiring composition for wind orchestra that depicts the behaviour of eagles, from breathtaking swoops to soaring thermals. The piece is divided into three parts and features majestic melodies, lyrical sections and a variety of rhythms that bring the image of the eagle to life in the music.

The three-part opening section of the "Eagle Ridge Overture" is a majestic 4/4 theme with quarter-eighth-eighth rhythms. This theme conveys a sense of strength and determination and represents the power and grace of the eagle. The melody is taken up and developed by various instrumental groups, creating a rich and varied soundscape.

The lyrical middle section of the "Eagle Ridge Overture" is in 3/4 time and features dotted quarter and eighth note rhythms. This section conveys a sense of freedom and soaring, and it depicts the elegant and effortless flight of the eagle on the thermals. The melody is gentle and sensitive and is presented by different registers of the band, resulting in an expressive and emotional sound.

Another notable feature of the "Eagle Ridge Overture" is that all sections of the band play the melody. This gives each musician the opportunity to come to the fore and make an important contribution to the overall musical picture. This inclusive approach adds to the dynamic and diversity of the piece and allows the musicians to showcase their individual strengths and personalities.

Overall, Bruce Pearson's "Eagle Ridge Overture" is an impressive composition for wind orchestra that brings the behaviour of eagles to life in the music. The piece features majestic melodies, lyrical sections and a variety of rhythms that combine to create a powerful and inspiring sound. This composition is an enrichment for the repertoire of wind orchestras and is sure to delight both musicians and listeners.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

Neil A. Kjos Music Company
Eagle Ridge Overture - click here Eagle Ridge Overture (concert/wind band; young band), full score and parts
Eagle Ridge Overture - click here Eagle Ridge Overture (concert/wind band), full score

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