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Musik, Musik (Muziky, Muziky) - click for larger image
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Musik, Musik (Muziky, Muziky) - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Musik, Musik (Muziky, Muziky)
Article no. 9484500
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Street march
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Instrumentation/info MBF (card size)
Format DirStm (Condensed Score and parts)
Country of publication Germany (de)
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Composer Kmoch, Frantisek
Arranger Rundel, Siegfried
Difficulty level 2+
Duration 2:52
Additional info/contents The gymnastics organization Sokol fostered Czech national ideas in an especially way. The majority of the Czech population then lived in Central Bohemia where Kolin is located. There these new ideas fell on particularly fertile ground. In this context the musical activities of Franitšek Kmoch as the director of the Kolin Sokol-band proved to be of prime importance. Kmoch had taken over the baton of the band as early as 1871, and after a few years he devoted himself exclusively to his band and to the school of music which he had founded. Although his band boasted a wide-spannend repertory, compositions of his own were most popular and among such works his marches based on folk songs really were his "number one" pieces. Kmoch usually relied on genuine folk songs which he used for his trios, in some chases he changed the rhythm while he composed others in the spirit of Czech folk songs. This also holds true for his march Near the Mill (Czech: Pode mljenem) which was written in 1908 and for Music, Music (Czech: Muziky, Muziky) which was composed before 1891. His marches also were often played by military bands as the soldiers appreciated his zestful melodies.
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Musik, Musik (Muziky, Muziky) - click here Musik, Musik (Muziky, Muziky) (concert/wind band), Condensed Score and parts
Ins Land hinaus - click here Ins Land hinaus, audio CD

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