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Kirschblütenfest in Kyoto - click for larger image
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Title Kirschblütenfest in Kyoto
Article no. 9415730
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format DirStm (Condensed Score and parts)
Country of publication Germany (de)
Publisher * Bauer Georg Musikverlag
Publisher's article no. * BG 800
Delivery publisher * Scherbacher Musikverlag MSH
Delivery publisher's * MSH 30466
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Composer Motay, Hubert
Arranger Kühmstedt, Paul
Difficulty level 5
Evaluation level of countries D3 (German medium level)
Additional info/contents The composition "Cherry Blossom Festival in Kyoto" by Hubert Motay, arranged for wind orchestra by Paul Kühmstedt, is a moving and powerful musical performance that captures the beauty and meaning of the Hanami festival. This tribute to one of the most beautiful events in Japanese culture reminds listeners to appreciate the transience of life and celebrate the beauty of the moment - just like the cherry blossoms that bloom and then fade away every year.
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Cherry Blossom Festival in Kyoto: A musical homage

The Cherry Blossom Festival in Kyoto is one of the most fascinating and beautiful events in Japanese culture, attracting thousands of visitors from all over the world every year. This celebratory event, also known as "Hanami", celebrates the beauty and transience of cherry blossoms and is a symbol of new beginnings, beauty and transience.

In connection with this important event, the composer Hubert Motay created a composition of the same name, which is available in an arrangement for wind orchestra by Paul Kühmstedt. This musical tribute captures the atmosphere and spirit of the Cherry Blossom Festival in a moving and powerful way, allowing listeners to share in this magical event even if they are thousands of miles away.

The composition "Cherry Blossom Festival in Kyoto" takes listeners on a sonic journey through the picturesque landscapes and vibrant culture of Kyoto during the Hanami Festival. The music begins with gentle and lyrical melodies that reflect the delicacy and beauty of the cherry blossoms. The harmonies and textures of the orchestra merge into a magical carpet of sound that immerses the listeners in an atmosphere of peace and serenity.

But Motay and Kühmstedt's composition goes beyond the gentle sounds of the cherry blossoms and also captures the lively and festive mood of the Hanami festival. The music gradually builds into a lively allegro that captures the joy and celebration of the celebrations. The rhythmic motifs and stirring melodies create an atmosphere of celebration and happiness that captivates the listeners and invites them to dance.

Quelle/Source: (KI)



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