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Kilkenny Rhapsody - click for larger image
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Kilkenny Rhapsody - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Kilkenny Rhapsody
Article no. 9415048
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Rhapsody
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Germany (de)
Publisher * Rundel Musikverlag GmbH
Publisher's article no. * MVSR 2065
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Composer Vlak, Kees
Difficulty level 3+
Evaluation level of countries A3 (Austrian C level); C2 (Swiss 3rd class); D3 (German medium level)
Duration 9:20
Additional info/contents A rhapsody is defined as a “folkloristic narrative piece”. In his “Kilkenny Rhapsody” Kees Vlak even goes one step further, because his intention is to capture the essence of the people and country and also to musically implement geographical peculiarities. Ireland is a treasure trove for a rhapsodic approach, because in addition to romantic melodies such as “The Foggy Day” or “The Gentle Maiden”, popular dances such as jig, reel or hornpipe, often characterized by the sound of the flute and snare drum, offer wonderful musical performances Possibilities.

The “Green Island” - “Éire”, as the Irish call their beloved homeland - rises up out of the thick fog. Songs and dances of unmistakably Celtic origin then alternate, ultimately leading to an effective climax. The fog falls in again: the theme of a dance echoes quietly. The “Kilkenny Rhapsody” ends with one of those melancholic Irish tunes that are at home in rustic Irish pubs.

Introduktion; The Gentle Maiden; Single Jig; The Foggy Dew; Hornpipe; Irish Jig; Irish Air (Epilog)
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Kees Vlak's "Kilkenny Rhapsody" is an impressive composition for wind band that presents a variety of traditional Irish melodies in a stirring and sophisticated manner. The Rhapsody is divided into several sections, from the introductory overture to the epic epilogue, with each section capturing unique elements of the Irish musical tradition.

1. Introduction: The composition begins with a powerful introduction that captures the audience's attention and sets the tone for the entire piece. Kees Vlak cleverly uses orchestral elements here to create an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement that prepares the listener for the musical journey.

2. The Gentle Maiden: The first thematic unit, "The Gentle Maiden", presents a delicate and lyrical melody carried by the various instruments of the wind band. This romantic passage reflects the beauty and grace of a gentle Irish maiden and demonstrates Vlak's ability to bring emotional depth to his compositions.

3. Single Jig: The Single Jig section brings a lively and rhythmic energy to the rhapsody. Vlak's masterful use of traditional dance forms is evident here, taking up the characteristic rhythms of the single Jig and cleverly integrating them into the wind orchestra instrumentation. The lively melodies and virtuoso passages create a stirring dynamic.

4. The Foggy Dew: The inclusion of "The Foggy Dew" gives the composition an epic feel. This melody, often associated with historical events, is presented by Vlak in a way that highlights its drama and intensity. The orchestral treatment enhances the emotional impact of this part of the rhapsody.

5. Hornpipe: The hornpipe section brings a touch of nostalgia and festive atmosphere. Here Vlak shines with clever arrangements that take up the characteristic rhythmic patterns and jumps of the hornpipe. The concise melodies and rhythmic precision give this passage a lively and stirring quality.

6. Irish Jig: The Irish Jig section once again brings speed and rhythmic variety to the rhapsody. The lively melodies and dance energy reflect the joy and exuberance of traditional Irish jigs. Vlak manages to cleverly integrate this lively atmosphere into the soundscape of the wind orchestra.

7. Irish Air (Epilogue): The rhapsody ends in an epic epilogue that captures elements of an Irish Air. Here the musical journey comes to rest and the emotional themes of the previous sections are brought together in a sonic unity. The epilogue serves as a powerful conclusion that leaves listeners with a feeling of accomplishment.

In summary, "Kilkenny Rhapsody" by Kees Vlak is a fascinating and well-thought-out composition that captures the diversity and beauty of the Irish musical tradition in an orchestral setting. The skillful use of different styles, rhythms and melodies demonstrates Vlak's mastery as a wind band composer. This rhapsody is not only a tribute to Irish music, but also an impressive work that showcases the virtuosity and expressiveness of a wind orchestra at the highest level.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

Rundel Musikverlag
Kilkenny Rhapsody - click here Kilkenny Rhapsody (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Kilkenny Rhapsody - click here Kilkenny Rhapsody (concert/wind band), full score
Facetten - click here Facetten, audio CD

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