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Druiden, Die - click for larger image
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Title Druiden, Die
Article no. 9157016
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Original contemporary music (20th, 21st century)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Country of publication Germany (de)
Publisher * Edition Flor
Year of publication 1994
Composer Rudin, Rolf
Opus no. Op.38
Difficulty level 4
Evaluation level of countries D5 (German highest level)
Duration 12:40
Additional info/contents Im Auftrag des Blasmusikverbandes Baden-Württemberg für das Landesmusikfest 1994 in Wangen im Allgäu schrieb Rolf Rudin den ersten Teil - Nemeton, - der als Trilogie geplanten Erinnerung Die Druiden.
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The listener is to be transported into the far-reaching unknown world of Druidism, veiled by fog, in this piece. As magicians, seers, philosophers, singers and poets, as mediators between the world of gods and humans, the druids of the pre-Christian era of Western Europe preserved their almost unlimited claim to power for a long time. As the subtitle suggests, the piece has a mythical expression, i.e. it is about an encounter with legendary figures or events that have become legendary and to whom great veneration was paid. With large arches, long sounds and slowly developing sound surfaces of a thoroughly dissonant character, the piece introduces us to a scene that is a sight to behold: Nemeton, the sacred forest clearing, site of the rituals of the Druids.

Quelle/Source: Rolf Rudin
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Druiden, Die - click here Druiden, Die (concert/wind band)
Fascinating Wind Music: Mid Europe Concerts '99 - click here Fascinating Wind Music: Mid Europe Concerts '99, 4CD  out of print   Remaining stock available 

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