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Concert Variations - click for larger image
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Concert Variations - Sample sheet music
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Title Concert Variations
Article no. 9124079
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Original contemporary music (20th, 21st century)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Claude Smith Publications Inc
Delivery publisher * C.L. Barnhouse Company
Delivery publisher's * CTS-7704-00
Year of publication 1977
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Composer Smith, Claude T.
Difficulty level 3
Evaluation level of countries D3 (German medium level)
Duration 5:39
Additional info/contents This piece was conceived at the annual Missouri Music Educators Convention at a meeting of the "Lambda Chapter of Phi Beta Mu", a professional organization for band directors. At this meeting, executives of the organization decided to commission a work for concert band as a public service project. This was agreed upon and Claude T. Smith, who was also a member of this organization, was asked to compose the work. It was premiered at the Music Educators Convention in 1975.
Opening with a legato tempo featuring colors of the band, the piece develops with a short statement by horn and flute, which precede the rhythmic section. The use of the 7/8 bar is especially effective with the full ensemble treatment. A slow section shows off the band before the driving finale in this excellent contest work.


Flt 1,2
Ob 1,2
Clr 1,2,3
ASax 1,2

Trp 1,2,3
Hrn in F 1,2,3,4
Trb in C 1,2,3
Euph in C
Tub in C

Perc 1,2:
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The term "Concert Variations" in music typically refers to a musical composition based on a specific theme or motif presented through various variations. These variations can vary in terms of melody, harmony, rhythm, tempo, dynamics and instrumentation, allowing for a variety of tonal and stylistic approaches. The piece can be presented as a standalone work or serve as part of a concert program, with the variations showing the versatility and skill of the musicians.

In connection with the composition "Concert Variations" by Claude T. Smith, this term appears as the title of a specific musical work for wind orchestra. Claude T. Smith was a renowned American concert band composer known for his powerful and accessible compositions that were appreciated by bands around the world. "Concert Variations" is one of his best-known works and embodies the characteristic features of a piece in this genre.

As with many "Concert Variations", the piece presents a catchy theme or motif that serves as a starting point for the various variations. This theme is easy to recognize due to its simplicity and clarity and provides a solid foundation for musical development.

The Variations then explore a variety of styles and expressions, with Smith employing various technical and tonal effects to demonstrate the diversity and potential of the original theme. These variations range from lyrical and melodic passages to virtuosic and rhythmically demanding sections, with Smith challenging the musicians' abilities and delighting the audience with a captivating and thrilling musical experience.

The harmony and instrumentation also vary, with Smith employing different timbres and textures to enrich the versatility and depth of the piece. Dynamics and pacing also play an important role, with Smith using dramatic contrasts and transitions to create a dynamic and engaging performance.

Overall, "Concert Variations" by Claude T. Smith is an impressive example of the versatility and artistic potential of a piece in this genre. Through the clever use of variations, Smith creates a captivating and stirring work that explores the artistic possibilities of the original theme and challenges the abilities of the musicians.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

Barnhouse Company
Wind Repertory Project
Concert Variations - click here Concert Variations (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Concert Variations - click here Concert Variations (concert/wind band), full score
Concert Variations - click here Concert Variations (concert/wind band), Oversized score
3. Deutsches Bundesmusikfest, Wertungspiel 1+2 - click here 3. Deutsches Bundesmusikfest, Wertungspiel 1+2, audio CD

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