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Aurora - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Aurora
Article no. 9057026
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Original contemporary music (20th, 21st century)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Switzerland (ch)
Publisher * Mitropa
Publisher's article no. * 0855-01-010 M
Delivery publisher * Hal Leonard Europe
Series title Masterworks Series
EAN (GTIN) * 9790035025604
ISMN * 979-0-03502560-4
ISMN-10 * M-03502560-4
Year of publication 2001
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Doss, Thomas
Difficulty level 6
Evaluation level of countries A4 (Austrian D level); C4 (Swiss 1st class); D5 (German highest level)
Duration 13:30
Additional info/contents "Aurora" - the goddess of dawn. The different cultures of the world welcome the messenger of the day as victor over the dark night in a variety of ways: meditatively in the East, rhythmically in Africa, dissonantly in the Western states and in wild joie de vivre the natives of America.


Flt 1,2
Ob 1,2
Fag 1,2
Clr 1,2,3
ASax 1,2
TSax 1,2

Cnt 1,2
Trp 1,2,3
Hrn in F 1,2,3,4
Trb in C 1,2,3,4 (BC)
Brt in C (BC)
Tub in C 1,2

-Hrn in Eb 1,2,3,4
-Trb in Bb 1,2,3,4 (BC+TC)
-Brt in Bb (BC+TC)
-EsTub (BC+TC)
-BTub (BC+TC)

Perc 1,2,3
Mlt 1,2
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Available yes yes
Programme notes *: additional text

Aurora - the Greek goddess of the dawn. A source of hope to mankind for hundreds of years. A sign of the advent of day. In many ancient cultures, the dawn had a considerable spiritual significance. It was a point of transition between the dark powers of night and the light of a new day. It covers the sky in a mystical cape of darkness. Tender shades of crimson are followed by powerful shades of red before dawn breaks and the sun begins to take control of the sky. Different cultures celebrated the dawn which they saw as a victory over the darkness of night. You might hear Asian monks greet the dawn in a dignified display with their gongs and bell lyre. You might be enthralled by the wild, passionate greeting of dawn as practised in the African bush, or yet again you might hear the rhythmical stamping of the natives of America for whom Aurora - the dawn - represented a very special symbolism. Perhaps you will hear the cool "oh, isn't it lovely" expressed by the consume-oriented people of our times for whom the dawn has lost its meaning.

Aurora tries to capture these moods whereby the character of the Far East, as a symbol of the daily birth of the dawn in the East, has deliberately been given predominance.

Quelle/Source: Helmut Schwaiger, Verlagsinformation

The composition "Aurora" by Thomas Doss is undoubtedly a remarkable work in contemporary wind music literature. With "Aurora", Thomas Doss, an Austrian composer and conductor, created a piece that impresses not only with its musical virtuosity but also with its deep emotional resonance. The composition was premiered in 2001 and has since become a popular piece in the brass band world. The title "Aurora" refers to the natural phenomenon of dawn lighting up the sky with vivid colours. This inspiration is reflected in the musical structure and mood of the piece.

The work "Aurora" is divided into several sections that explore different aspects of dawn and its effect on the surroundings. The opening conveys a calm and mysterious atmosphere, symbolising the awakening of nature and the emergence of the northern lights. The use of long melodies and floating harmonies creates a sense of mystery and fascination. As the piece progresses, the music evolves into livelier sections that capture the energy and intensity of the Northern Lights. Doss cleverly uses rhythmic patterns, dynamic contrasts and orchestral colours to transform the visual beauty of the phenomenon into sound. Through clever orchestration, the different timbres of the wind instruments are used to reflect the vivid colours and movements of the Northern Lights.

A central element of "Aurora" is the powerful and stirring climax depicting the appearance of the sun. Here the music reaches its emotional climax and the listener is swept away by the sonic intensity and musical drive. This section conveys the sense of wonder and majesty that comes with the sight of a northern lights. Finally, the piece ends with a calm and peaceful passage that reflects the gradual awakening of the day and the conclusion of the musical experience.

In summary, "Aurora" by Thomas Doss is a masterful composition that fascinates with its artful depiction of dawn. The clever use of harmonies, melodies and orchestral effects gives the piece a haunting emotional quality, making it a memorable experience for listeners and musicians alike. This piece has undoubtedly taken a firm place in the repertoire of contemporary wind music works.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

Mitropa Music


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