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Symphony #1: Asgard - click for larger image
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Symphony #1: Asgard - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Symphony #1: Asgard
Article no. 8928010
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Original contemporary music (20th, 21st century)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Belgium (be)
Publisher * Beriato Music
Publisher's article no. * BMP 10061476
Delivery publisher * Hal Leonard Europe
EAN (GTIN) * 9790365201532
ISMN * 979-0-3652-0153-2
Year of publication 2011
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Composer Aparicio-Barberán, Teodoro
Difficulty level 5+
Evaluation level of countries C5 (Swiss highest class); D6 (German highest class)
Duration 21:07
Additional info/contents This symphony is the most important work of Barberián. The 2002 International Contests for Bands 'Ciudad de Valencia', one of the most prestigious competitions in Europe, marked its first public performance.
No. Track title Duration Sound sample
1 Door of Valhalla, The 7:45
2 Guard of the Clouds, The 7:15
3 Crazy Man 5:60
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Programme notes *: additional text

The composer uses a modern language in the piece, which consists of three movements, and combines a melodious instrumentation with impressive rhythmic parts. Asgard is based on a romantic Scandinavian story against the background of old Germanic legends of the gods.

... where the flowery landscape remains in that sweet scented season when spring is about to turn to summer at all times. Its fields resemble smooth green lawns (kept cropped by herds of deep red cows and woolly sheep) and its forests are home to bountiful deer and songbirds. All of this is protected by a wall you cannot climb, made of closely fitted stone blocks. We would be unable to enter if not for the grace of Odin. It is here that Odin sits on his throne at High Nest in Valhalla and surveys all those in his domains.

The door of Valhalla
Valhalla, or the Hall of The Slain. This is the place where Odin resides preparing his legions of heroes for the coming of Ragnarok. The rafters are built from giant spears and the roof from shields. The hall has 540 doors and 800 warriors can pass through each door, shoulder to shoulder. This makes it the grandest of halls to be preserved in Asgard. If you listen carefully, you may hear the battle cries of the fallen heroes as they prepare for battle against the approaching Ragnarok.

The Guard of the Clouds
Jotumheim, the so-called guard of the clouds, is one of giant warriors in charge of the doors of Asgard. The brave Balder, our hero, asks for help to find his way back to Mildgard. Jotunheim wakes up from his eternal dream in a bad mood, and they both engage in a fierce battle. After conceding defeat, he agrees to show the Kingdom to Balder, and takes him to Odin.

Crazy Man
Odin, the most powerful of all gods, receives Balder in the Mildgard Palace. Shocked by Jotunheim's defeat, they enter into an agreement. He will allow Balder to return to his world if he is able to defeat Ragnarok. In order to do this, he can count on the help of Thor, the God of Thunder. But they must watch out for the evil and crazy Loki, who will try to beat Mildgard's warriors and become the owner of Asgard. Brave Balder fights until the end. He defeats his rival but, weakened by his wounds, loses his life. Thor, armed with his hammer Mljnir, kills Loki and takes the latter's dead body to Odin, who turns him into the God of Light.

Quelle/Source: Beriato


Ancient Cultures

Gods, Godheads and Saints

Fairy tales, legends, stories

Mysticism of the Nordic countries
Symphony #1: Asgard - click here Symphony #1: Asgard (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Symphony #1: Asgard - click here Symphony #1: Asgard (concert/wind band), full score
In the Picture: Teo Aparicio Barberán #1 - click here In the Picture: Teo Aparicio Barberán #1, audio CD


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