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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Title Music for flexible wind V.
Article no. 8066710
Category Ensembles
Subcategory Variable instrumentation
Instrumentation 3Flexi
Instrumentation/info TubC; / (or); TubB
Country of publication Netherlands (nl)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Series title Educational
Composer Lijnschooten, Henk van
Difficulty level 1
Additional info/contents * Intrada
* March of the Japanese Chlidren
* Fanfare
* Bells
* Hymne
* Sound Study
* Chromatic Play
* Fanfarette
* Exercise 3 + 2 = 5
* Exercise 2+3=5
* Sing Softly
* Multiple Ensemble A
* Multiple Ensemble B
* Little Tango
* Habanera
* Contrast
* With a lot of Pep
* Romantic Moment
* Prepatory Exercise
* Play Seven
* Chansonette
* Call
* Children's Game
* Slavonic Impression
* An Old-Fashioned Polk
Sound sample * Series title</td>
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