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Second Line: 100 Years of New Orleans Drumming - click for larger image
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Title Second Line: 100 Years of New Orleans Drumming
Article no. 73011014
Subcategory Pedagogical writings
Text language English {en}
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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Author Aukes, Antoon
Additional info/contents A very unique book that explains the classic rhythms from the city where jazz and rock & roll drumming was born...New Orleans! This comprehensive text is written by well-known drummer and researcher Antoon Aukes.

Classic New Orleans Rhythms
Transcribed for Today’s Musicians!

The Second Line book comes with a demonstration CD containing over eighty recorded examples. These recorded examples are easily referenced by track number appearing above each printed example within this handy new text. The recordings and exercises include techniques in early jazz, rhythm and blues, Mardi Gras Indians, funk and brass bands (both traditional and modern), in short...all a modern musician needs to know about these New Orleans drum essentials. The book is also filled with historical photos and quotes from many of the musicians who pioneered this great music.

Includes Sections On:
Brass Band and Early Jazz: Bass drum and snare techniques, including the styles of Paul Barbarin, Zutty Singleton and Baby Dodds
Rhythm and Blues: Rhumba and funk patterns, including the styles of Earl Palmer, Smokey Johnson, Zigaboo Modeliste
Modern Second Line: Including the styles of The Dirty Dozen, John Vidacovich, Herlin Riley and Herman Ernest
Exercises: Main elements and techniques of Second Line Drumming
Available yes yes

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