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Golden Age of Brass #2, The - click for larger image
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Title of audio medium Golden Age of Brass #2, The
Article no. 6006140
Subcategory Wind ensemble (brass/woodwind)
Performer American Serenade Band; (baritone horn); u.a.
Conductor Smith, Henry Charles
Label * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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Available yes yes

No. Track title Composer Performer
1 Thoughts of Love Pryor, Arthur American Serenade Band; (trombone)
2 Willow Echoes Simon American Serenade Band; (cornet)
3 Phenomenal Polka Innes American Serenade Band; (trombone)
4 Gabriel's Trumpet Polka Liberati, Allesandro American Serenade Band; (cornet)
5 Oh, Dry Those Tears Del Riego American Serenade Band; (trombone)
6 Chocolate Soldier, The Tschaikovsky, Pjotr Iljitsch American Serenade Band; (cornet)
7 Love's Enchantment Pryor, Arthur American Serenade Band; (trombone)
8 Whirlwind Polka Levy American Serenade Band; (trombone)
9 Non è Ver' Mattei American Serenade Band; (baritone horn)
10 Short and Sweet Short American Serenade Band; cornet duet (cornet)
11 Patriot, The Pryor, Arthur American Serenade Band; (trombone)
12 Cantabile, from 'Samson & Delila' Saint-Saens, Charles-Camille American Serenade Band; (cornet)
13 Blue Bell of Scotland Pryor, Arthur American Serenade Band; (trombone)

* Fields with a star are only visible for club members after registration.

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