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Abbreviations/music lexiconAbbreviations/music lexicon
Abbreviation FltN
German (de) Indianerflöte
English (en) Native Flute
Spanish (es) Flauta nativa americana
French (fr) Flûte amérindienne
Italian (it) Flauto dei nativi americani
Dutch (nl) Native American fluit
Portuguese (pt) Flauta Nativa American
Definition/synonyms The Native American flute is a flute that is held in front of the player, has open finger holes, and has two chambers: one for collecting the breath of the player and a second chamber which creates sound. The player breathes into one end of the flute without the need for an embouchure. A block on the outside of the instrument directs the player's breath from the first chamber — called the slow air chamber — into the second chamber — called the sound chamber.
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