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In The Air - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title In The Air
Article no. 4118617
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Switzerland (ch)
Publisher * Symphonic Dimensions Publishing
Publisher's article no. * SDP 196-23-02
Delivery publisher * Hal Leonard Europe
EAN (GTIN) * 9790502952822
ISMN * 979-0-50295282-2
Year of publication 2023
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Oswald, Gerald
Difficulty level 3+
Evaluation level of countries D3 (German medium level)
Duration 7:15
Additional info/contents The composition is lively, dynamic, the tones dance. It doesn't want to tell a story, but rather create a state of cheerfulness and lightness. Through its mischievous, playful motifs, “In the Air” expresses something consistently happy, carefree and positive. The piece acts like a light breeze, like a fresh wind. Gerald Oswald was born in 1968 in Groß-St. Florian was born. He completed his training as a trumpeter at the Johann-Joseph-Fux Conservatory and at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz. He later continued his studies in conducting and composition, including with Franz Cibulka at the Johann-Joseph-Fux Conservatory in Graz, with Thomas Doss at the Music and Art Private University of the City of Vienna, at the Leonding Music School and at the C. Monteverdi Conservatory in Bozen. His compositions for wind orchestras have been successfully performed around the world.
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Programme notes *: additional text

The term "In the Air" is often used in music to describe a particular atmosphere or mood created by the music. It can refer to a feeling of lightness, freedom, or euphoria brought about by the music. Often the term is used to describe how music can influence the listener's emotions and thoughts by creating a particular mood or atmosphere.

"In the Air" can also be used as a title for musical pieces. A well-known example is the song "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins. The song was released in 1981 and is famous for its atmospheric sound and the iconic drum fill that can be heard in the last third of the song. The song has a mysterious and intense atmosphere created by the lyrics and instrumentation.

Additionally, the term "In the Air" can also be used to describe how music floats or spreads in the air. This can refer to the way music sounds in a room and how it is perceived by listeners. In this context, "In the Air" can point to how music brings people together and creates a shared experience.

Overall, “In the Air” is an expression that highlights the emotional impact and atmospheric quality of the music. It describes how music can influence mood and create a certain atmosphere that captivates the listener.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

Symphonic Dimensions Publishing
In The Air - click here In The Air (concert/wind band), full score and parts
In The Air - click here In The Air (concert/wind band), full score

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