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60 Warm-up Chorales - click for larger image
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Title 60 Warm-up Chorales
Article no. 4116010
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Chorales, ballads, lyrical music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Netherlands (nl)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Series title Edition Franco Cesarini
EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
ISMN * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2021
Composer Cesarini, Franco
Additional info/contents Franco Cesarini has dealt with the subject of recording very often during the long time he has been working as a conductor and lecturer for wind orchestra conducting at the conservatoire. He has been able to try out many existing recording methods and has had ample opportunity to evaluate the respective advantages and disadvantages. After all these years, he has decided to compile a collection of chorales to play in. They are organised according to the criteria he finds most effective.
While composing his 60 Warm-Up Chorales for Band, Franco Cesarini has not forgotten the importance of keeping the musicians' enthusiasm high at all times during the rehearsal. The conductor should not start the rehearsal with unnecessary "punitive" exercises. Nobody is really motivated to start the rehearsal with scales, tone exercises or tricky rhythmic exercises. Often the most important thing is missing from rehearsals: the music!
In this collection, the tempo is never indicated for the individual chorales. However, it should often be rather slow, but not dragging.
Dynamic signs are also omitted: in this way the conductor has the opportunity to draw the musicians' attention to his gestures and have them react according to his indications.
Kettledrums and glockenspiel have been added so as not to leave the percussionists completely inactive during the introduction phase, but can be omitted.
The chorales are in four voices (SATB) and can also be played in smaller groups.
The four voices can be played in various combinations of woodwinds or brass or in mixed combinations.
This collection offers ten chorales for the following keys: D flat major, A flat major, E flat major, B flat major, F major, and C major.
With his 60 Warm-Up Chorales for Band, Franco Cesarini wants to convey the message to play the chorales in a musical way, at the same time the conductor should sensitise the musicians for phrasing, for the correct interpretation of cadences, for rubato and agogic. The musical aspect should always be placed in the foreground.
60 Warm-up Chorales for Band: a perfect collection for playing in the wind orchestra and for improving sound and intonation!
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Available yes yes
60 Warm-up Chorales - click here 60 Warm-up Chorales (concert/wind band), full score and parts
60 Warm-up Chorales - click here 60 Warm-up Chorales (concert/wind band), full score

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