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Feuer und Flamme - click for larger image
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Feuer und Flamme - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Feuer und Flamme
Article no. 4115082
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert march
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Austria (at)
Publisher * print music e.U.
Publisher's article no. * PM 2016
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Composer Grübl, Stefan
Difficulty level 3
Duration 4:10
Additional info/contents Commissioned composition by the Grossschönau Youth Band on the occasion of their 50th anniversary.
Sample sheet music Sample sheet music click here
Sample score * Sample score click here
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Programme notes *: additional text

What makes a march a march? Is it the tempo, the bass solo, the trio, the change of keys between the parts, the (unscripted) articulation, the beating in...? A concert march must certainly still have certain characteristics in this day and age, but it is also allowed to emancipate itself from musical tradition. The concert march "Fire and Flame" wants to try this.
Fire gives light and warmth. It is one of the basic skills of mankind and once ensured our survival. In a figurative sense, fire means enthusiasm for a cause. We are all "on fire" for brass band music, and in some of us this fire burns particularly strongly.
One more story came to my mind about the keyword "fire": the story of the phoenix. The year 2020 was a turning point, some would say a catastrophe. Many things that we had planned, that we thought were absolutely necessary, that we would never have questioned, burned before our eyes (to use the metaphor of the phoenix). But I am firmly convinced that from these ashes hope and new fire for our brass band music will arise again.
The fire of the march should be audible above all in the theme of the A part (high brass!). In the B section it continues to burn at a low flame (main melody in the tenor horn). The trumpets provide new fuel from bar 43 onwards. In the C section, the fire burns up again, and in the D section (bass solo) there is even new food for the flames. After the recapitulation (E section), the trio (F section) becomes more relaxed again. The clarinets keep the embers alive here. In the G section, the bass solo reignites the fire, and the trio melody in the B section really gets going again and leads to the brilliant conclusion (quotation of the A section theme from bar 174).
The march "Feuer und Flamme" was commissioned by the Jugendtrachtenkapelle Grossschönau/NÖ. It is dedicated to the long-standing chairman Markus Knapp on the occasion of his 50th birthday. Markus Knapp has been on fire for brass music in Grossschönau for over 35 years. He has contributed significantly to the upswing of this band in the last decades.

Quelle/Source: Print Music


Elements; Earth Fire Water Air
available directly from the publisher only

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