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Triticum - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Triticum
Article no. 4101853
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Italy (it)
Publisher * Scomegna
Publisher's article no. * ES B1359.20
Year of publication 2018
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Pusceddu, Lorenzo
Difficulty level 3+
Evaluation level of countries D2 (German lower level)
Duration 6:30
Additional info/contents Triticum (Triticum is the Latin name of a type of grain commonly known as farro [hulled wheat], which in Venetian dialect is called trigoli). The composition, commissioned by the Wind Orchestra of Trigolo (Cremona), is divided into three separate movements.
The first movement begins with a solemn prologue which leads to a melancholy waltz, whose theme is based on the interval structure of a folk song from Cremona, “La Merla.”
The second movement is the calmer and expressive part of the composition. The third movement, which closes the piece with a festive atmosphere, is characterized by the development of the material of the prologue and the use of another popular local tune: “Quell’uselin del bosco.”
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Programme notes *: additional text

The composition "Triticum" is a sonic adventure commissioned by the Trigolo wind orchestra (Cremona). This musical journey, divided into three movements, unfolds in a masterful combination of traditional elements, local melodies and contemporary art.

1st movement: Festive prologue and melancholic waltz
The first movement opens the composition with a solemn prologue that immerses the listener in a festive atmosphere. This festive overture leads cleverly into a melancholic waltz, the theme of which is based on the interval structure of a folk song from Cremona, "La Merla". The integration of this local folk melody gives the movement an authentic and home-like touch.

2nd movement: Calm and expressive
The second movement represents a calmer and more expressive contrast. Here the emotional depth of the composition unfolds, with the composer creating a rich palette of expressive possibilities through subtle harmonies and melodic phrases. This movement serves as a sonic retreat that provides space for thoughtful reflection and musical introspection.

3rd movement: Festive atmosphere and local melody "Quell'uselin del bosco"
The third movement concludes the piece with a festive atmosphere that continues the development of the prologue's material. Here the composition draws on another popular local melody: "Quell'uselin del bosco". The use of this traditional melody expresses a deep roots in the local culture and gives the finale a stirring yet familiar mood.

"Triticum" is not just a musical composition, but an artistic tribute to the rich culture and tradition of the Cremona region. Through the clever integration of folk melodies and local elements, the composition creates a bridge between the past and the present, offering listeners a unique sonic experience inspired by the scenic diversity and cultural treasures of the Venetian Farroland.

Quelle/Source: (KI)



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Triticum - click here Triticum (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Triticum - click here Triticum (concert/wind band; or; fanfare band), full score

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