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Periplo - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Periplo
Article no. 4101846
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Italy (it)
Publisher * Scomegna
Publisher's article no. * ES B1413.18
Year of publication 2018
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Pettinato, Luca
Difficulty level 3
Evaluation level of countries D2 (German lower level)
Duration 5:33
Additional info/contents In ancient Greek literature this term meant a kind of guide carrying the description of seas, ports, peoples, and other news related to journeys of discovery. Inspired by this picturesque word, the composer tells in music an imaginary journey throughout the Mediterranean of myths and legends, in which superstitious fears alternate with a heroic spirit of adventure.
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The ancient Greek term "Periplo" carries with it a fascinating complexity that goes far beyond the mere name of a journey. The etymological root of the word, "periplous," indicates that it is not just a simple movement, but a comprehensive exploration and detour. Throughout history, "Periplo" became a term that describes not only physical travel, but also intellectual and literary excursions.

In ancient Greek, the term refers to an extensive journey, usually along the coasts of a country or region. These voyages were not only used for navigation and trade, but also for cartographic recording and understanding of geographical conditions. "Periplo" was often used in the form of literary works to record the traveler's experiences and insights and to provide guidance to others.

In ancient times, "periploi" had significant importance for seafaring nations such as the Greeks and Romans. Early port cities developed their own "periploi," which served as nautical manuals containing information about port locations, coastlines, currents and sea routes. These records were crucial for trade, defense and exploration of new territories.

The term "Periplo" also found its way into the literary world of antiquity. Authors such as Herodotus and Hanno created "Periploi" as a kind of travel report that recorded not only the geographical aspects but also cultural encounters, customs and peculiarities of the regions visited. These literary works helped expand knowledge of the world in ancient times and promote cultural exchange.

Although the ancient Greek term "Periplo" is no longer present in everyday usage, its historical meaning and use in various contexts remains relevant. Modern travelogues and navigation manuals still bear traces of the original concept of "Periplo," which describes not only a physical journey but also an intellectual discovery and documentation.

Quelle/Source: (KI)



Ancient Cultures

Secrets of the Seas


Seafaring and ships
Periplo - click here Periplo (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Periplo - click here Periplo (concert/wind band), full score

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