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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Title Tango Trios for Strings - Viola A
Article no. 4099898
Category Ensembles
Subcategory Violas
Instrumentation/info Vla1 (1. viola)
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2008
Composer Greenblatt, Deborah
Additional info/contents The flirtatious and provocative musical moods of these 23 tangos are mixed with a generous dose of melancholia. Each trio part includes luxurious melodies, quirky rhythms, and supportive harmonies. Take your time with these musical excursions, and enjoy the cruise!

1. Acapella in Alcapulco - by Greenblatt & Seay
2. Always Listening - by Greenblatt
3. Anoranzas - by Santos
4. Banana Boy - by Greenblatt
5. Bar 5 - by Greenblatt
6. Bolada de Aficionado - by Villoldo
7. The Day the Rain Stopped - by Greenblatt & Seay
8. Don Julio - by Sagreras
9. El Choclo - by Villoldo
10. Estragadao - by Ricardo
11. Fixin’ The Furnace - by Greenblatt & Seay
12. Floraux - by Nazareth
13. Infeliz - by Santos
14. Just In Case - by Greenblat & Seay
15. La Paloma by Yradier
16. Lines and Spaces - by Greenblatt & Seay
17. Mio Amore - by Caslar
18. Poppy - by Tilzer
19. Por Uña Cabeza” by Gardel
20. Quack Off - by Greenblatt & Seay
21. Tango Sevillano - by Nogueras
22. Who’ll Volunteer - by Greenblatt & Seay
23. Y...Como Le Va? - by Valverde
Sample score * Sample scoreFields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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Available yes yes
Tango Trios for Strings - Viola A (1. viola)
Tango Trios for Strings - Viola B (2. viola)
Tango Trios for Strings - Viola C (3rd viola)

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