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English Dance Suite, Original version - Complete - click for larger image
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Title English Dance Suite, Original version - Complete
Article no. 4093645
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Music from Renaissance Baroque ( - ca 1750)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts); Download
Country of publication USA (us)
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Composer Gardner, John
Arranger Noble, Paul
Editor Noble, Paul
Opus no. Op.139
Difficulty level 3
Duration 25:00
Additional info/contents This version has been type-set precisely from the original hand-written score by Gardner, with the purpose of preserving this historical document for posterity. It is playable as is, but the instrumentation and scoring are representative of the time: several 1st and 2nd parts are on the same staff, scoring for two trumpets and three cornets, limited doubling of parts, etc. The complete suite of seven movements is available to purchase.

The English Dance Suite was originally composed by John Gardner for Wind Band, and has been re-set for the modern Concert Band instrumentation. Both this original version, edited and type-set by Paul Noble, and the arrangement are first editions now available for purchase to bands around the world. The set of seven Renaissance dances depict John Gardner's love of Scottish music, the Renaissance heritage, and some of his own mischievous approach to music.
The Gardner Estate is celebrating 2017 as the centenary year of John Gardner, and an effort is made to present his music as a special memorial to his lifelong contributions to music.
John Gardner was one of the English composers who defied the serialist tide of the 1950s and 60s, sustaining the romantic tradition still to be found in the music of Vaughan Williams, Gordon Jacob and William Walton. The urbane wit and impeccable craftsmanship of Walton in particular found an echo in Gardner's music. He is regarded as one of the best composers Britain has produced in the past century.
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