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Brooklyn Bridge Rock - click for larger image
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Title Brooklyn Bridge Rock
Article no. 4092542
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Jazz and modern rhythms
Instrumentation YB (young band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Austria (at)
Publisher * Herrma Musikverlag, 8680 Mürzzuschlag
Composer Marinkovits, Herbert
Difficulty level 1
Evaluation level of countries BJ
Additional info/contents Brooklyn Bridge Rock is a composition for JO of the AJ level. The range of the individual instruments and the rhythmic requirements are precisely adapted to this level. The Brooklyn Bridge in New York connects the two boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. Looking at this imposing structure, one feels peace on the one hand, with a light breeze blowing from the harbour, and on the other hand, one is in the midst of the pulsating life of one of the most interesting cities in the world. After a slow introduction of eight beats, a rhythmically distinct rock-style part follows in which the young ladies and gentlemen can give free rein to their joy of playing.
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