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Musikerleben - click for larger image
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Musikerleben - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Musikerleben
Article no. 4090165
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Austria (at)
Publisher * OrchestralArt Music Publication
Publisher's article no. * ORCH 1000-1
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Achleitner, Matthias
Difficulty level 3+
Duration 10:46
Sample sheet music Sample sheet music click here
Sample score * Sample score click here
Video sample *
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Available yes yes
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Programme notes *: additional text

"Musician's life" describes the life of a musician from birth through the different phases of life to the farewell to the earthly world.In the first part, a music box sounds, depicting the baby, its first steps and the kindergarten years.

The school bell heralds the coming school years, puberty is expressed in swinging fashion with an alto saxophone solo, followed by the stressful school finale.decision-making phases lead into the rhythmic everyday working life, until Cupid's arrow suddenly hits the young musician right in the heart, followed by great love. A life together full of happiness begins.

Life takes its course, time flies by, and there are already signs of ageing, a phase of slowing down begins and finally leads to the last phase of life, followed by a requiem with the "La Morte Chorale".

In the grand finale, the composer sets to music the joy of a musician's life, summarised in the theme "Music survives", which on the one hand represents an honourable memory of a musician and on the other hand illustrates the everlasting, life-filling power of music.

Quelle/Source: OrchestralArt
Musikerleben - click here Musikerleben (concert/wind band), full score and parts

Musikerleben - click here Musikerleben (concert/wind band), full score


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