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Spirit of Endeavour - click for larger image
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Spirit of Endeavour - Sample sheet music
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Title Spirit of Endeavour
Article no. 4082910
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication United Kingdom (uk)
Publisher * Anglo Music Press
Publisher's article no. * AMP 399-010
Delivery publisher * Hal Leonard Europe
Series title Elite Series
EAN (GTIN) * 9790570299768
ISMN * 979-0-57029976-8
Year of publication 2014
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Sparke, Philip
Difficulty level 5
Evaluation level of countries D5 (German highest level)
Duration 9:20
Additional info/contents "Spirit of Endeavour" is a virtuosic piece of music with a positive musical message. It tells the story of a wind band embracing hard work, friendship, musical excellence, love, marriage and birth, as well as the sad loss of cherished members. Composer Philip Sparke decided to salute the history of the Canadian concert band ‘Harmonie de Charlesbourg’ with a work that falls into two contrasted sections. One Vision deals with forming the band and the subsequent united desire to create an ensemble espousing the idea of musical perfection. The Pursuit of Excellence salutes the 20 years of hard work of the wind band. This concert work ends with a chorale of the full band, symbolising the fulfilment of a united dream!

I. One Vision 'Molto moderato'
II. The Pursuit of Perfection 'Vivace'
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Programme notes *: additional text

The term "Spirit of Endeavour" embodies the mindset of relentless pursuit of success, innovation and progress. It is a tribute to the determination and eagerness to overcome challenges and achieve goals, regardless of the obstacles that may arise along the way. The term is a source of inspiration and motivation for people all over the world, especially those who are dedicated to achieving great goals, whether in science, technology, art, sport or other areas of human endeavour.

This mindset is closely linked to fundamental human values such as ambition, determination, perseverance and self-belief. It encourages people to defy boundaries and limitations and to make the impossible possible.

The "Spirit of Endeavour" is reflected in numerous historical achievements, be it in the exploration of new horizons, the development of groundbreaking technologies, the overcoming of social barriers or the development of creative potential. In science and technology, the term has led to great discoveries and innovations that have changed our understanding of the world. From the pioneers of aviation and space travel to the discoverers of modern medicine and the visionaries of information technology, this spirit of determination and progress is omnipresent.

In the arts and sports, too, the concept is a key driver of excellence and creative masterpieces. Artists, musicians, writers, athletes and many others have proven through their dedication, training and passion that anything is possible with enough determination and commitment. However, the "Spirit of Endeavour" is more than just the pursuit of personal success. It also represents the ability to go above and beyond for the good of others and to have a positive impact on the world.

At a time when the world is facing numerous challenges, the Spirit of Endeavour is crucial to finding solutions together, overcoming obstacles and creating a better future for all. Overall, the Spirit of Endeavour is a powerful and inspiring force that drives the human quest for success, growth and change. It reminds us that with determination, zeal and co-operation, we can achieve great things.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

Anglo Music Press
Spirit of Endeavour - click here Spirit of Endeavour (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Spirit of Endeavour - click here Spirit of Endeavour (concert/wind band), full score

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