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Wattenspuk (Ostfriesische Szenen um Mitternacht) - click for larger image
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Wattenspuk (Ostfriesische Szenen um Mitternacht) - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Wattenspuk (Ostfriesische Szenen um Mitternacht)
Article no. 4081813
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Germany (de)
Publisher * Ewoton Musikverlag Elmar Wolf
Publisher's article no. * EW 2725
Series title Concert Series
EAN (GTIN) * 4020685272512
Year of publication 2015
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Bell, Karl-Heinz
Difficulty level 5
Evaluation level of countries D4 (German upper level)
Duration 4:18
Additional info/contents It is already quite late when he takes a look at the Wadden Sea after a visit to the "Deichkrug". The wind is blowing, the waves are running high, a thunderstorm is approaching - nature is flexing its muscles. In the distance you can hear the rest of the midnight chimes. The forces of nature are getting stronger - or does he just mean that. It was a humid and merry evening with friends at the "Deichkrug". So he rubs his eyes, because between the lightning and the waves, many little ghosts suddenly dance above the sea. Each to their own tune - up they go. One dances more slowly - the others rather quickly. Then, from far away, the sound of bells reaches his ears again and at the same moment the ghosts dancing in the storm have disappeared - or were they never there? Things happen! The weather calms down - let's go home.
Sample sheet music Sample sheet music click here
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