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Der Rattenfänger von Hameln: eine Märchenskizze für Blasorchester - click for larger image
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Der Rattenfänger von Hameln: eine Märchenskizze für Blasorchester - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Der Rattenfänger von Hameln: eine Märchenskizze für Blasorchester
Article no. 4064790
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Instrumentation/info 18 selbststädig geführte Stimmen
Format Prt (full score)
Country of publication Germany (de)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2013
Minimum order quantity 1
Composer Adam, Stephan
Difficulty level 3
Evaluation level of countries D3 (German medium level)
Duration 5:00
Additional info/contents The city of Hameln is plagued by a terrible plague of rats, and solutions are discussed on the market square, led by the mayor and the city council, while a stranger declares that he wants to tackle the problem. He demands one million thalers for it. After the promise of this sum he lures the rats into the Weser at night by magical flute playing in which they drown. Then he appears before the mayor to demand his wages. The stranger takes bitter revenge by enchanting the children of the city who remained at home during this nocturnal celebration with his flute playing: Ally join him and forever draw with him into the distance.
Composition commissioned by the Bayerische Musikakademie Hammelburg on the occasion of the festival UNerHÖRTes 2013.
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Der Rattenfänger von Hameln: eine Märchenskizze für Blasorchester - click here Der Rattenfänger von Hameln: eine Märchenskizze für Blasorchester (concert/wind band), full score
Der Rattenfänger von Hameln: eine Märchenskizze für Blasorchester - click here Der Rattenfänger von Hameln: eine Märchenskizze für Blasorchester, Set of parts without score

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