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Festivity - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Festivity
Article no. 4061743
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Festive music, fanfare, hymns
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Netherlands (nl)
Publisher * Tierolff-Muziekcentrale, 4700 BD Roosendaal
Publisher's article no. * TI 100108
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Composer Asanger, Thomas
Difficulty level 3+
Evaluation level of countries A3 (Austrian C level); EJ
Duration 5:40
Additional info/contents Symphonic brass music is gaining more and more acceptance nowadays, especially among young people. Young people are thus not only placing themselves in the service of voluntary work and thus making our society function, but are also gaining life experience and social competence through their involvement with this form of communication.
"Festivity" - an allusion to the well-known parlour game "Activity" seems to be inevitable - makes this motivation, joy of playing and passion that is in our young people the subject of discussion and puts it at the centre of things.


Clr 1,2,3
ASax 1,2

Trp 1,2,3
Hrn in F 1,2,3
Trb in C 1,2,3 (BC)
Euph in C (BC)
Tub in C

-Hrn in Eb 1,2,3
-Trb in Bb 1,2,3 (BC+TC)
-Euph in Bb (BC+TC)
-EsTub (BC+TC)
-BTub (BC+TC)

Perc 1,2,3
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Programme notes *: additional text

The composition "Festivity", created by the talented composer Thomas Asanger, opens up a fascinating connection between musical creativity and the playfulness, passion and energy that are in the youth of today. The title itself, an obvious allusion to the well-known parlour game "Activity", already indicates that the piece focuses on the motivation, joy of playing and passion of young people and thus places them at the centre of the musical action.

The musical language Asanger uses in this piece is lively, dynamic and full of surprises. The music fluctuates between jubilant passages celebrating success and the joy of winning, and lyrical moments representing the introspection and togetherness of the players. This alternation between extremes reflects the emotionality of the young people, ranging from ecstatic joy to pensive seriousness.

Thomas Asanger has managed to convey a deeper message about youth, cooperation and enthusiasm with this composition. "Festivity" encourages approaching life with passion, seeing challenges as opportunities and celebrating the moment - an attitude that youth often intuitively embody. Overall, it can be said that "Festivity" by Thomas Asanger is an impressive musical representation of the energy and joie de vivre of young people. The connection to the world of play and socialising gives the piece an accessible feel, while the complex structure and musical sophistication appeal to those who delve deeper into the composition. This piece is undoubtedly a tribute to youthful enthusiasm and a remarkable work in the modern compositional world.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

Tierolff Music
Festivity - click here Festivity (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Festivity - click here Festivity (concert/wind band), full score
10-Mid Europe: Sinfonische Jugendblasorchester Wien - click here 10-Mid Europe: Sinfonische Jugendblasorchester Wien, CDR  out of print 
Symphonic Wind Composers Project 09/10 - click here Symphonic Wind Composers Project 09/10, audio CD

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