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Polytechnique - click for larger image
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Title Polytechnique
Article no. 4047263
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Original contemporary music (20th, 21st century)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Belgium (be)
Publisher * HAFABRA Music Louis Martinus
Publisher's article no. * HFB 515Ha
Series title Original concert pieces
Year of publication 2011
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Dagenais, Jonathan
Difficulty level 5
Evaluation level of countries D5 (German highest level)
Duration 16:10
Additional info/contents Polytechnique is a work dedicated to the 14 victims of the Polytechnique massacre that took place on December 6, 1989 in Montreal. It is the story of a man standing in the middle of an immense space covered with an oppressive dark and dense fog. Standing alone in the middle of his opaque and confused psyche, reduced to a fear that only leads to hatred. It is also the story of fourteen young women standing against a white wall. Standing and terrified, in the middle of a nightmarish storm. Standing and terrified. Then stretched out and unconscious in front of a red wall. Pierced, forever motionless and light ... This is the story of fourteen young souls floating calmly between heaven and earth on the immutable ocean of the Incomprehensible. It is at the heart of the troubling abysses of humanity of this ocean that Polytechnique, the second large-scale opus of the young composer Jonathan Dagenais, plunges us.
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Programme notes *: additional text

The Polytechnique massacre of December 6, 1989 in Montreal, also known as the "École Polytechnique massacre", was a tragic and harrowing episode in Canadian history that deeply shocked the country and the global community. The event occurred at the École Polytechnique de Montréal, a prestigious engineering school, and claimed the lives of 14 innocent people, including 13 women.

The attack was carried out by a gunman named Marc Lépine, who entered the polytechnic school and targeted female students. Lépine entered several classrooms and pointed his weapons at female students, deliberately murdering them. He made misogynistic comments during the attack and explained that his motive was to punish women who entered "masculine" professions such as engineering.

The Polytechnique massacre was a shocking act of violence that sent waves of outrage and horror far beyond Canada's borders. It sparked widespread debate about gun laws, gender equality, women's rights and violence against women and led to increased awareness of these issues in Canadian society.

The memory of the victims of the Polytechnique massacre has occupied a lasting place in Canada's national consciousness. Every year on December 6th, the country remembers the victims of this tragedy and remembers their lives, which were ended far too soon and senselessly. Additionally, the event serves as a reminder and call to action to end violence against women and create a fairer and safer society for all.

The Polytechnique Massacre remains a painful part of Canadian history and a reminder of the need to actively advocate for equality, respect and safety for all. It is a reminder that violence and intolerance must never be tolerated and that we must work together for a world in which all people can live freely and safely.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

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HaFaBra Music


life and death

Accidents and tragedies

Conspiracy theories

Contemporary History and Historical Events
Polytechnique - click here Polytechnique (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Polytechnique - click here Polytechnique (concert/wind band), full score
HaFaBra Music #34: Colorado - click here HaFaBra Music #34: Colorado, audio CD

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