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Folksong Suite - click for larger image
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Folksong Suite - Sample sheet music
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Title Folksong Suite
Article no. 4046539
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Suite
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Hungary (hu)
Publisher * Editio Musica Budapest
Publisher's article no. * EMB 14705Set
Delivery publisher * Hal Leonard Europe
Series title Concert Band Series
EAN (GTIN) * 9790080305089
ISMN * 979-0-080-30508-9
Year of publication 2010
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Composer Farkas, Antal
Arranger Farkas, Tamas
Difficulty level 3
Evaluation level of countries D2 (German lower level)
Duration 5:35
Additional info/contents This reworked edition of the "Folksong Suite" by Antal Farkas will help to widen the repertoire of youth ensembles and adult amateur orchestras. The composer's son, Tamás Farkas has supplemented the score of the work, adding symphonic wind ensemble parts, and has in a number of places reworked it slightly in accordance with present-day requirements.
'I recommend this work to any orchestra active anywhere in the world. The piece provides an enjoyable experience, helps in correcting faulty intonation, in interpreting various musical styles, in fostering a homogeneous sound, in developing technique and ensemble playing, and it is certain of a favourable response from audiences. I hope every musician will find pleasure in it!' (József Csikota, president of the East European section of the World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles.)
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The Hungarian folk music tradition in Antal Farkas' "Folksong Suite": An artistic ode to cultural diversity and emotional depth

Antal Farkas' "Folksong Suite" is an outstanding musical representation of the Hungarian folk music tradition, capturing and celebrating Hungary's rich cultural diversity with artistic sensitivity and emotional depth. Using authentic Hungarian melodies, rhythms and harmonies, this suite presents a captivating sonic journey through the various facets of Hungarian folk music.

The first movement of the suite features a more melancholic and introspective mood, exploring the emotional depths of the Hungarian folk music tradition. Slower and more lyrical melodies take listeners on an emotional journey marked by longing, love and loss. The gentle harmonies and delicate sounds of this passage give the suite an intimate and thoughtful atmosphere that reveals the complexity of Hungarian folk music.

The second movement of the suite welcomes listeners with a more lively Hungarian folk dance. The melodic themes, accompanied by pulsating rhythms and dynamic harmonies, create an atmosphere of celebration and shared enjoyment. The lively mood of this movement invites listeners to let themselves be carried away by the fun-loving and rousing nature of Hungarian folk music.

The third movement of the suite presents stirring melodies and energetic rhythms of a czarda, which are typical of the festive and exuberant sides of Hungarian folk music. The dynamic themes and lively harmonies of this movement invite listeners to be carried away by the stirring energy of Hungarian folk dances and immerse themselves in the lively atmosphere of the celebrations.

Overall, Antal Farkas' "Folksong Suite" offers a fascinating and complex representation of the Hungarian folk music tradition. Through the artful use of authentic melodies and the sensitive design of the musical elements, Farkas succeeds in celebrating Hungary's cultural diversity and emotional depth and delighting listeners with an impressive musical experience.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

Edition Musica Budapest
Folksong Suite - click here Folksong Suite (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Folksong Suite - click here Folksong Suite (concert/wind band), full score

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