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Pierius Magnus - click for larger image
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Pierius Magnus - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Pierius Magnus
Article no. 4041330
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Netherlands (nl)
Publisher * De Haske Publications
Publisher's article no. * DHP 1115057-010
Delivery publisher * Hal Leonard Europe
Series title Concert and Contest Collection
EAN (GTIN) * 9790035200285
ISMN * 979-0-0352-0028-5
Year of publication 2011
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Composer De Haan, Jan
Difficulty level 3
Evaluation level of countries D4 (German upper level)
Duration 9:00
Additional info/contents Pierius Magnus is a historical figure from Friesland, a peasant and rebel against the Dutch oppressors around 1500. Whether hero or barbarian can simply not be proven beyond doubt today, but the composer simply found the story too exciting not to use it as a source of inspiration. In Pierius Magnus, the national hero is introduced right at the beginning of the work with a capricious theme, followed by his bunch "De Arumer Swarte Heap". Then-before the battle begins-a moment of calm occurs before Pier and his troop go into battle. The work ends with the back of the disillusioned Pierius.

Grutte Pier (Big Pier); De Arumer Swarte Heap (The Arumer Black Heap); It Fryske lān fol eare en rom (The Frisian land of honour and glory); It krśs fan de Hollanner (The Cross of the Hollanders); Būter, brea en griene tsiis (Butter, rye bread and green cheese); Nae myn Heer ta (To my Lord)
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Programme notes *: additional text

Pierius Magnus appears as a historical figure in a turbulent time in which Friesland and the Netherlands were characterized by political unrest and conflict. His status as a farmer and rebel against the Dutch oppressors around 1500 makes him a fascinating figure whose actions and motives are still debated today. The story of Pierius Magnus provides a rich source of inspiration, encouraging artists and creators from various disciplines to depict and interpret his story in various forms. The ambiguity of his role as hero or barbarian reflects the complexity of historical events, which were marked by personal, political and social conflicts.

A composer's decision to use the story of Pierius Magnus as a source of inspiration is a compelling example of the creative exploration of historical themes in music. Through the music, the composer is able to express the emotions, the conflicts and the drama of the events, giving the audience a deeper insight into the world of Pierius Magnus and his time.

The challenge is to reflect the different facets of Pierius Magnus in the music - his bravery and determination as an insurgent, but also the possible consequences of his actions and the complexity of his personality. The music can be a powerful form of narrative, allowing audiences to engage with the themes of power, oppression, freedom and resistance that are woven into the story of Pierius Magnus. Overall, the story of Pierius Magnus demonstrates the importance and influence of historical figures on art and culture and illustrates how these stories can live on across the centuries and inspire new generations of artists and listeners.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

De Haske


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Contemporary History and Historical Events
Pierius Magnus - click here Pierius Magnus (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Pierius Magnus - click here Pierius Magnus (concert/wind band), full score
Jan de Haan: Liberty - click here Jan de Haan: Liberty, 3 compact discs
Pierus Magnus: Best Selections for Concert Band - click here Pierus Magnus: Best Selections for Concert Band, 2 CDs

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