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Sphärenklänge - click for larger image
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Sphärenklänge - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Sphärenklänge
Article no. 4037655
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert waltz
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Austria (at)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Series title Wiener Pavillon
Year of publication 2007
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Strauss, Josef
Arranger Nawa, Hiroshi
Opus no. Op.235
Difficulty level 4
Evaluation level of countries PWM-at (Literaturliste Polka, Walzer, Marsch)
Duration 8:30
Additional info/contents German:

Die 'Sphärenklänge' zählen wie die 'Delirien' zu den berühmtesten Walzern von Joseph Strauss. Die Introduktion illustriert die titelgebende Sphärenmusik. Eine spielfreudige Bearbeitung von Hiroshi Nawa.


Like the 'Deliriums', the 'Sounds of the Spheres' are among the most famous waltzes by Joseph Strauss. The introduction illustrates the music of the spheres that gives the title. A playful arrangement by Hiroshi Nawa.


Tout comme les " Deliriums ", les " Sounds of the Spheres " comptent parmi les valses les plus célèbres de Joseph Strauss. L'introduction illustre la musique des sphères qui donne le titre. Un arrangement ludique de Hiroshi Nawa.


Net als de 'Deliriums' behoren de 'Sounds of the Spheres' tot de bekendste walsen van Joseph Strauss. De inleiding illustreert de muziek van de sferen die de titel geven. Een speels arrangement van Hiroshi Nawa.


Al igual que los 'Delirios', los 'Sonidos de las Esferas' se encuentran entre los valses más famosos de Joseph Strauss. La introducción ilustra la música de las esferas que da el título. Un arreglo juguetón de Hiroshi Nawa.


Come i "Deliriums", i "Suoni delle Sfere" sono tra i più famosi valzer di Joseph Strauss. L'introduzione illustra la musica delle sfere che dà il titolo. Un arrangiamento giocoso di Hiroshi Nawa.


Como os 'Deliriums', os 'Sounds of the Spheres' estão entre as mais famosas valsas de Joseph Strauss. A introdução ilustra a música das esferas que dá o título. Um arranjo lúdico de Hiroshi Nawa.
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* Fields with a star are only visible for club members after registration.

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