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Zeppelin-Sinfonie (Symphony #1) - click for larger image
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Zeppelin-Sinfonie (Symphony #1) - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Zeppelin-Sinfonie (Symphony #1)
Article no. 4030527
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Original contemporary music (20th, 21st century)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Switzerland (ch)
Publisher * Mitropa
Publisher's article no. * 1564-08-010 M
Delivery publisher * Hal Leonard Europe
Series title Concert Work Series
EAN (GTIN) * 9790035031872
ISMN * 979-0-03503187-2
Year of publication 2008
Composer Doss, Thomas
Difficulty level 5
Evaluation level of countries A5 (Austrian E level); C5 (Swiss highest class); D6 (German highest class)
Duration 37:15
Additional info/contents On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Zeppelin Foundation, Thomas Doss wrote a moving work on the history of the famous rigid airship: from the Count von Zeppelin's obsession with it, its origins, the first acclaimed flights, the war, to the end of the Zeppelin. At the conciliatory end of the dramatic story - and music - the Zeppelin experiences its rebirth.
No. Track title Duration Sound sample
1 Idée fixe 08:10
2 Maschinen 09:30
3 Der Wal am Himmel 09:40
4 Reinkarnation 10:00
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Programme notes *: additional text

Of all rigid airships, the zeppelin was the most successful. It is named after Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, who initiated its construction. From 1900 to 1940 the Zeppelin was used for passenger transport and military purposes. Unlike other types of aircraft, zeppelins became so popular that the name "zeppelin" came to designate all rigid airship type aerostats and, more generally, any airship balloon. The first movement describes the formidable entrepreneurial spirit of a man with a visionary mind. The end measures paint a broad portrait of Count von Zeppelin, who sees his airship floating above him in a dream. The second movement takes us into the heart of an airship hangar. The construction of such a flying machine arouses immense enthusiasm among the people involved in the project. But the central passage is darker; one feels resigned spirits, the apprehension of failure, the outbreak of war, several accidents occur, but the men are tenacious and persevering. They pursue their dream: to build a huge "flying cigar". In the third movement, the zeppelin finally takes off. Light and silent, the airship floats in the sky. After a long journey, we see it getting closer and closer. On the ground, people are busy. The joy is immense. The zeppelin has built a new bridge between peoples and nations. In the fourth movement, Europe is at war. The airship prowls in the skies over London. It is spreading panic and terror over the city. The air giant seems to come from another world, casting its menacing shadow over events of war. Europe is annihilated. With it disappears the symbol of the airship industry. The finale of the work tells the story of a rebirth.

Quelle/Source: Mitropa



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Zeppelin-Sinfonie (Symphony #1) - click here Zeppelin-Sinfonie (Symphony #1) (concert/wind band), full score and parts
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Zeppelin-Sinfonie - click here Zeppelin-Sinfonie, audio CD

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