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Company - click for larger image
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Title Company
Article no. 4023998
Category Vocal
Subcategory (noch nicht zugeordnete Werke)
Instrumentation/info Voc (vocal); CD (audio CD)
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Additional info/contents Company [accompaniment] features 15 songs from the Broadway musical. This album plays in any CD player and features Guide Vocals & Accompaniment Tracks in the original show key and show tempo.

Company won six Tony Awards when it debuted on Broadway in 1971, including Best Score and Best Musical. With music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, Company returned to Broadway in 1996 and 2006.

There are 30 tracks on this album: Tracks 1-15 contain the background tracks and guide vocals; tracks 16-30 contain the accompaniment tracks alone. This album is a re-recording in the original show key and show tempo.

1. /16. Overture (0:50)
2. /17. Company (5:26)
3. /18. The Little Things You Do Together (2:48)
4. /19. Sorry-Grateful (3:20)
5. /20. You Could Drive a Person Crazy (2:42)
6. /21. Have I Got a Girl for You (2:07)
7. /22. Someone Is Waiting (2:58)
8. /23. Another Hundred People (2:36)
9. /24. Getting Married Today (4:24)
10./25. Marry Me a Little (3:52)
11./26. Side by Side by Side (8:00)
12./27. Poor Baby (2:51)
13./28. Barcelona (3:05)
14./29. The Ladies Who Lunch (4:20)
15./30. Being Alive (4:29)
Incl. CD (play-along) Incl. CD (play-along) yes
Sound sample * Incl. CD (play-along)Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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Available yes yes

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