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A Glasgow Overture - click for larger image
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A Glasgow Overture - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title A Glasgow Overture
Article no. 4023692
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Overture (original composition)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Switzerland (ch)
Publisher * Obrasso Verlag AG
Publisher's article no. * OBR 16633
Series title Wind Band Series
Year of publication 2007
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Composer Fernie, Alan
Difficulty level 3
Evaluation level of countries C2 (Swiss 3rd class); D4 (German upper level)
Additional info/contents Alan Fernie's composition pays homage to a city that is proud of its past while boldly looking towards the future. A Glasgow Overture reminds us that Glasgow is not just a city, but a living and vibrant organism shaped by the people who live and work in its streets.
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Glasgow: An Overture of Sound and History

The city of Glasgow, with its rich industrial past and vibrant cultural scene, has always captured the imagination of artists and composers. One such musical tribute to this dynamic city is "A Glasgow Overture" by prolific composer and arranger Alan Fernie. This wind band composition captures the essence of Glasgow, offering listeners a musical journey through its streets, history and vibrant atmosphere.

Glasgow, situated on the banks of the River Clyde, is a city that is constantly changing and evolving. Once a center of heavy industry, Glasgow has evolved into a modern metropolis with a thriving arts scene, vibrant shopping streets and lively neighborhoods. "A Glasgow Overture" reflects this diversity and liveliness by weaving together different musical motifs and moods.

The opening of Overture couldn't be more fitting: a powerful and energetic theme reflecting Glasgow's industrial past. The rhythmic sounds and dynamic development of the music are reminiscent of the clattering machines and bustling activity of the shipyards and factories that once formed the heart of the city. But the composition is much more than just a homage to the past. She takes listeners on a journey through the streets of Glasgow, past the elegant Victorian buildings, bustling markets and lively pubs. The melodies and harmonies reflect the lively atmosphere of the city and bring to life the diversity of its residents and culture.

Amidst the lively sounds and stirring rhythms, "A Glasgow Overture" also leaves room for peace and reflection. Gentle melodies and warm harmonies remind us that Glasgow is not only a city of progress and hustle and bustle, but also a place of community and human warmth.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

Obrasso Verlag


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A Glasgow Overture - click here A Glasgow Overture (concert/wind band), full score and parts
A Glasgow Overture - click here A Glasgow Overture (concert/wind band), full score

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