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Blind Tiger - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Blind Tiger
Article no. 4020582
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Original contemporary music (20th, 21st century)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Niel A Kjos Music Company
Publisher's article no. * WB 527
EAN (GTIN) * 0084027052518
UPC * 084027052518
Year of publication 2021
Price Please log in to display the here
Composer Hobbs, Joshua
Difficulty level 5
Evaluation level of countries D6 (German highest class)
Duration 2:30
Additional info/contents The term “blind tiger” is another name for a speakeasy, the ubiquitous illicit establishments that sold illegal alcohol during the Prohibition Era in the United States. These gangster-run nightclubs featured the growing genre of jazz music and were one of the first places to allow whites and blacks to mingle socially. These “hush-hush” societies where people of different backgrounds came together to have a good time is very intriguing to me. I wanted Blind Tiger to represent this unique era of history by assigning a fun “lick” for each section to play and others to appre- ciate, thus bringing everyone together in the fashion of a rollicking, funky concert opener.

The percussive introduction serves as a jungle-inspired alarm that spreads through the band. The opening wind interjections are derived out of the rhythms in the percussion section, and are prevalent throughout the piece. Our musical nightclub introduces one idea at a time and eventually we have many ostinatos combining into one funky groove. The vast majority of the melodic material in the piece is inspired by the Bb blues. Musicians should pay very close attention to the articulation and dynamics (percussion in particular) to maximize the style of the composition.


Flt 1,2
Clr 1,2,3
ASax 1,2

Trp 1,2,3
Hrn in F 1,2
Trb in C 1,2,3
Euph in C
Tub in C

-Tmb (2)
-TmTms (3)
Sample sheet music Sample sheet music click here
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Sound sample *
Video sample *
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Available yes yes
Programme notes *: additional text

During the glittering times of Prohibition in the United States, when the ban on alcohol became a drinking game for creative minds, a very special breed of establishments flourished - the so-called "Blind Tigers". Well, you might think they were some kind of dangerous predatory zoo, but in fact they were places where alcohol flowed in mysterious corners, attracting the thirsty in search of forbidden pleasure.

The term "Blind Tiger" was of course just a veiled expression for those who made their own laws with a blinking eye. Since alcohol was officially as popular as a cactus in the bathtub during the Prohibition era, the need for creative camouflage seemed obvious. You'd almost think the owners thought, "Why not play a little cat-and-mouse game with the guardians of the law?"

Entering a "Blind Tiger" felt like taking part in a secret ritual. Entry was often arranged in back rooms or through back doors, as if belonging to a secret society. The drinks menus were often coded to look more like a cryptogram - a rum and coke might appear as "Black Panther" or a simple gin as "Wagging Hangover".

The atmosphere was so thick with mystery that one almost expected the tables to have flaps so they could escape into another dimension in the event of a raid. The cocktail mixers became artists of disguise, and the average glass of water suddenly took on the glamorous touch of an illicit Manhattan.

Of course, it wasn't a walk in the park for those who ran the "Blind Tiger." Constant glances over their shoulders, quiet whispers of code words and the constant fear of law enforcement officers who might catch on to them. But the allure of the forbidden, the feeling of doing something crazy and unconventional, created a vibrant scene that is now considered one of the most fascinating periods in American history.

In retrospect, one could say that the "Blind Tigers" were a kind of pioneer for the modern secret bars that are flourishing in many cities today. Prohibition may be over, but the charm and cunning of the Blind Tigers live on in the stories, legends and adventurous spirit of the era. And who knows, maybe there's still a mischievous bartender somewhere today who serves a "Hidden Lion" - as a homage to the wild times of Prohibition.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

Neil A. Kjos Music Company
Wikipedia: Prohibition
Wind Repertory Project


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Blind Tiger - click here Blind Tiger (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Blind Tiger - click here Blind Tiger (concert/wind band), full score

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