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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Title Movements
Article no. 4016229
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Original contemporary music (20th, 21st century)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Country of publication Netherlands (nl)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2004
Composer Van Delft, Marc
Opus no. Op.125
Difficulty level 5
Duration 22:50
Additional info/contents Dieses Werk besteht aus unterschiedlichen musikalischen Bewegungen. Es kommen ziemlich viele atonale Teile vor und vielfach sind dissonante Harmonien hörbar. Für großes Harmonieorchester geschrieben!

The work contains 17 different movements. Movement 1-7, the first, introvert part of the work, is very silent, mystical, inspired by f.e. A. Webern and M. Feldman. Movement 8-9 are lyrical. Mov.8 is a clarinet-solo with harp, mov.9 is the transitionspart to the quick tempo of the 2nd part of the work in which we find extreme barbaric agression, inspired by f. e. Strawinsky's Sacre. Mov.16 is the climax and anticlimax of this part. Mov.17 is inspired by the repetitive music of f.e. John Adams and, like a finale of a Brucknersymphony, goes, with triumphal clocksounds and divine trombones from darkness to light...

Dit werk bestaat uit verschillende muzikale bewegingen. Er komen vrij veel atonale gedeelten voor en veelvuldig zijn er dissonante harmonieën hoorbaar. Voor groot harmonieorkest geschreven!
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