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Variations on Laudate Dominum - click for larger image
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Title Variations on Laudate Dominum
Article no. 4011498
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert music
Instrumentation Fa (fanfare band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Netherlands (nl)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Composer Gregson, Edward
Arranger Oosterman, Danny
Difficulty level 3
Evaluation level of countries C3 (Swiss 2nd class)
Duration 11:40
Additional info/contents Overall, "Variations on Laudate Dominum" is a challenging and fascinating composition that showcases the wind orchestra in an impressive way. Edward Gregson masterfully combines the timeless beauty of Mozart's chorale with contemporary elements to create a work that is both technically challenging and emotionally moving. The piece remains a popular repertoire piece for wind orchestra and is regularly performed by ensembles around the world. Variations on Laudate Dominum is an impressive example of the versatility and expressiveness of wind music and an enduring testament to the artistic vision of Edward Gregson.
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Variations on Laudate Dominum - click here Variations on Laudate Dominum (fanfare band), full score and parts
Omaggio a Kristina D - click here Omaggio a Kristina D, audio CD

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