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Lone Star Overture - click for larger image
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Lone Star Overture - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Lone Star Overture
Article no. 4005537
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Overture (original composition)
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Switzerland (ch)
Publisher * Mitropa
Publisher's article no. * 0946-02-010 M
Delivery publisher * Hal Leonard Europe
EAN (GTIN) * 9790035026205
ISMN * 979-0-03502620-5
ISMN-10 * M-03502620-5
Year of publication 2002
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Composer Doss, Thomas
Difficulty level 3
Evaluation level of countries A3 (Austrian C level); D3 (German medium level); EJ
Duration 7:00
Additional info/contents On the Lone Star Ranch in Weilbach in Austria the horse breed of the "Missouri Foxtrotter" is bred, a race from the federal state Texas, which is also known under the name "Lone Star State". In addition to the sweet scents of the American West, the Lone Star Overture is also influenced by the European musical tradition, creating a charming musical element that represents the Lone Star Ranch and its surroundings.
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The "Lone Star Overture": A musical journey from America to Austria

The "Lone Star Overture" for wind orchestra is not only a captivating composition, but also a sonic representation of the "Lone Star Ranch" in Weilbach, Austria. This charming connection between an American inspiration and European tradition makes the "Lone Star Overture" a unique and fascinating musical experience.

The "Lone Star Ranch" in Weilbach is a place of special beauty and importance. Surrounded by the rolling hills and green meadows of Austria, the ranch exudes the sweet scent of the American West, combining two worlds in one picturesque setting. This unique atmosphere and mood served as the inspiration for the "Lone Star Overture".

The composition itself is a sonic masterpiece that captures the various facets of “Lone Star Ranch” and interprets them musically. The sweet scents of the American West are conveyed through Overture's catchy melodies and harmonic structures, taking the listener on a captivating musical journey.

But the Overture is not only characterized by American inspiration. The European musical tradition also finds its place in this fascinating composition. Through clever orchestral arrangements and tonal elements, influences from European music history are woven in, giving the Overture an additional dimension and underlining its complexity.

The result is a charming musical element that represents the "Lone Star Ranch" and its surroundings in all its facets. From the gentle sounds of nature to the stirring melodies of the American vastness, from traditional European music to modern orchestral arrangements - the "Lone Star Overture" is a fascinating interplay of sound and emotion.

Overall, the "Lone Star Overture" is a remarkable composition that captures and musically interprets the beauty and diversity of the "Lone Star Ranch" in Weilbach, Austria. With her successful fusion of American inspiration and European tradition, she invites listeners on a unique musical journey and lets them experience the magic of this special place up close.

Quelle/Source: (KI)

Motropa Music
Lone Star Ranch
Lone Star Overture - click here Lone Star Overture (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Lone Star Overture - click here Lone Star Overture (concert/wind band), full score
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